Winter Skin Care 2022


    The cold weather each winter brings the annual skin care dilemma. How do you protect your skin from the harsh, cold outdoor weather followed by the dry heat indoors? Outdoor conditions tend to leave the skin raw, red, and in pain, while home and office heating units dry out the skin, drawing out natural moisture. It’s a vicious cycle that we repeat daily, but can be prevented with a few changes to your skin care routine.

    First things first, you need to hydrate from the inside out. For all of you who drink the recommended 64oz of water daily…kudos! For everyone else, this is the season to add to your water intake. Your cells will be more nourished and fight the cold from the cellular level.

    A humidifier will add moisture to the air in your space (whether home or office). This will do wonders for your skin – both body and face. For an added boost on the face, consider a mister to open the pores. A good friend of mine is a dedicated user of Aira’s Ionic Face Steamer as part of her daily and weekly routine.

    Hot showers may seem like a great way to add moisture to your skin all over, but they actually draw moisture away from the body. During the winter months, you should both look to shorten your showers and lower the temperature to avoid stripping your skin. Next, pass on the bar soap and grab that bottle of shower gel instead. For the body, perfume free and oil based are better for this time of year. And for the face, find a gentle, oil-based cleanser. Once that shower is done, step out and pat your face and body dry – no rubbing. Patting dry will also help lock in moisture that rubbing will pull away.

    Winter is the season to take extra care with moisturizing your skin. Start with sunscreen, the one thing most people forgo in the cold. Winter sunlight can damage your skin, so the added protection will serve you well. Next, move on to a serum and moisturizer that contains a thicker consistency and provides more hydration. For a fresh look, I’m partial to using a Vitamin-C serum to brighten and tighten the skin. There are many great options out there so choose the one that best suits your skin type. For daily moisturizer, I’m using a new formula (Ole Henriksen Strength Trainer Peptide Boost Moisturizer, $48) that feels great and is keeping my skin well-nourished. (I love getting a good recommendation.) Be sure to use a gentle eye moisturizer all around the eye area to avoid premature aging. Finally, add in a weekly mask that is designed to enrich the skin with loads of moisture. Don’t forget to moisturize your body every day. If your skin is particularly dry, twice a day is a must. Aveeno’s Daily Moisturizing Lotion is great if you’re on a budget and excellent on the skin.

    Everyone needs a little extra TLC here and there. For your skin, both face and body, winter is that time to pamper yourself. Opt for lush, rich moisturizers all winter long. Your skin will thank you as the days get longer and the temperatures rise.

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Tammy Severino is the CEO of Girl Scouts of Suffolk County the largest girl-serving organization in the country. She is also President of RPC Development, LLC, a boutique consulting firm specializing in small businesses and nonprofits. She has more than 20 years of experience as a writer, and is a speaker on women’s empowerment issues and philanthropy in America. In her spare time, this fashionista follows and writes about fashion, travel, parenting, and other lifestyle topics.