Ways to RECHARGE Your Relationship with Your Spouse or Partner


Kathy Horowitz co-facilitates a monthly women’s writer’s group at the Life Center in Huntington. Her work has appeared in The Long Islander, Long Island Woman, Calyx, Blue Unicorn, and Seventh Quarry. Kathy offers freelance writing, editing, and proofreading services.
(kahorowitz@gmail.com) • www.kathyhorowitz.com.  
    As batteries need to be recharged, so does a loving relationship.  Many of us fall into the same daily routine with one another, but this Valentine’s Day, how can that special feeling be rejuvenated?  Here are several ideas to jumpstart the New Year and Valentine’s Day for you and your loved one.
    • Walk on the wild side.  Are you beachgoers, mountain and trail hikers, or neighborhood walkers? Try to change your routine and instead of walking the same neighborhood blocks, seek out a hiking trail or water venue that neither of you have ever visited. “Hiking Long Island” (Lee McAllister, 2001) has lots of trail and park information for Nassau and Suffolk counties. Walking and talking will create a feeling of togetherness, especially when children or other distractions are absent. Collect special shells or rocks and add them to your memories.
    • Try your hand at a craft or paint project. There are many places on Long Island where you can work at your talents.  Notice I say work, but the truth is, isn’t it fun to do something that you may have not done since childhood? Check out Plaster Funcraft  (plasterfuncraft.com) for one-of-a-kind plaster pieces, or Paint a Piece (paintapiecepottery.com) for pottery, candle making, and glass fusing. Or, book a paint night. Go to paintnite.com, for dates and locations. It’s fun for all ages!
    • Go rock climbing.  Just like a mosh pit, somebody has to be there to support you when you climb.  Support builds trust, which builds on your love for one another. Island Rock in Plainview is a popular destination where single or monthly classes are available (islandrock.net). Check Groupon for the latest deals.
    • Tired of cooking for your mate?  Although there’s nothing as special as breakfast in bed, why not try a new Happy Hour destination? Or, if you’re really adventurous, pack a picnic basket (or bag) and enjoy it by the fire or, weather permitting, in your favorite park.
    • Create your own Valentine’s Day gift.  Instead of relying on gifts from personalizationmall.com or “great buys” from Groupon or Amazon, make your partner a DVD of the previous year together, or make them a mixed CD (yes, I’m probably the only one who still listens to CD’s). If you can crochet, knit, or are good at woodworking, why not make a handmade gift that your loved one will treasure forever.
    Just as there is more than one way of honoring your partner, there is also more than one way of doing things with or for them. Thinking outside the box this year may be your best gift.  And, it never hurts to present flowers or a box of chocolates to your loved one. Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours!