Upclose: West Hills Chiropractic


Pictured left to right Dr. Robert Hoffmann and Dr. Joseph Mills

400 West Jericho Turnpike, Huntington

For those less familiar, chiropractors use their hands to apply controlled pressure to parts of the spine, to improve your body’s physical motion pain free. For over 40 years, Dr. Joseph Mills, owner of West Hills Chiropractic is proud to tell me that he has devoted his life to providing people with a non-invasive alternative to managing or better yet eliminating pain suffering. “Our success stems from our ability to provide personalized care and treatment for our patients. The stress of the pain itself makes matters worse, which is why showing people you genuinely care helps. We are the only chiropractic office that I know of that keeps its doors open for as many hours as we do. In most cases Mon day to Friday 7am to 7pm and Saturday 8am to 12pm”, says Dr. Mills.

West Hills Chiropractic treats patients suffering from injuries, sciatica, neck and back pain, neck, whiplash, headaches/migraines, and other common ailments. As Dr. Mills explains, “Our goal has always been to deliver non-invasive techniques to help our patients overcome their symptoms and regain their quality of life. You may think that all chiropractors utilize the same techniques, not so at West Hills Chiropractic.. A revolutionary piece of equipment and treatment called VAX-D is exclusive to West Hills Chiropractic. More commonly known as Vertebral axial decompression, is an alternative procedure that patients can try to relieve back pain, from various ailments, including herniated discs and sciatica. By stretching the back, VAX-D relieves the pressure caused by herniated discs and other conditions. VAX-D can be effective at relieving back pain in as few as twenty sessions. With a success rate of 85%, curing chronic neck, lower back pain and sciatica relief can be realized.

“We do not just offer random treatment to our patients. Certain treatments are not suited for everyone. Once I get to know the patient, if we determine in their history that they have any type of bone cancer, bone infection they would not be a valid candidate , and we also never treat a patient on the VAX-D table without an MRI older than 5 years and always suggest a new one if possible.”

In the end, chiropractic treatment is something that should be considered before surgery. Some doctors may advise surgery to their patients who suffer from back pain, and while surgeons are skilled and technology has advanced to the point of fewer risks, surgery is invasive and may require long healing periods. Though surgery may be the final solution, there are risks associated that can potentially leave patients in greater pain than they were before. West Hills Chiropractic offers several treatments that can decrease pain and improve mobility. If you are in agonizing pain due to a recent injury or struggling with chronic health challenges for some time, consult with Dr. Mills and his staff that can help you work toward a pain free life.

In addition to running West Hills Chiropractic Center, Dr. Mills also has deep ties to the community and is paying it forward. In 1998, Dr. Mills and his wife, MaryAnn, started an annual fundraiser for pediatric cancer patients called, “Party for Life,” which was inspired by their friends’ son, Peter Careccia. Peter had a non-malignant spinal cord tumor and after several removal attempts, Peter passed away at the age of 14. To date, this event has raised 3 million dollars for charity and has benefited thousands of kids. Each year, the Party for Life fundraiser unites a stem cell donor and recipient for the first time. Dr. and Mrs. Mills also take Camp Adventure kids and their families to Opening Day at Yankee Stadium, complete with transportation and a tailgate before the game. Camp Adventure is a recipient of Party for Life’s generosity.

This story was designed to provide insight into West Hills Chiropractic. ET Week Media does not endorse or make any claims that chiropractic procedure is suited for all people suffering from pain. If you are considering treatment, be sure to consult a trained professional, like Dr. Mills before undergoing any procedure.