Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone


Maria DiGiorgio is a lifelong New Yorker, who currently resides in Commack, with her family.  She is a devoted wife and mother, an educator and designer. Maria is active in her community, as a PTA mom and Girl Scout leader.  She has a passion for interior decorating and loves to garden. She is an avid reader, and enjoys writing about life experiences and parenthood, as well as her personal observations about the world around us.
    The other day, I headed out to my local gym, intending to engage in my usual routine. It had been a while since I graced this establishment with my presence, so just the idea of going was enough to satisfy my intentions. Once I arrived, I noticed the class in session was a Zumba class. Normally, I shy away from these classes, as they seem too quick-paced and complicated. This time, however, I was intrigued by the music and the seemingly easy way the participants were moving to the beat. I quickly stashed my things away in a locker and proceeded to the “dance floor”. I found myself smiling and enjoying the experience. It didn’t matter that the instructor seemed to be channeling J Lo from her Fly Girl days, on “In Living Color”, or that I, too, was channeling someone (Ralph Kramden attempting the “Hucklebuck”). I felt free and uninhibited! No one was looking askance at me, as they were all too busy trying to keep up with their own steps. Although I may not have had the same workout as the instructor set out to provide me with, I did, indeed, have a workout that produced a real sweat, but more importantly, provided me with a sense of accomplishment, pride and liberation. By literally and figuratively stepping out of my comfort zone, I had an experience that was self-empowering and one that still brings a grin to my face when I think about it.
     Sometimes, even when the urge to remain in a safe and well-known place in our lives (be it a routine, a relationship, a position or a location) strikes, we need to think about changing things up a bit, and taking a risk in order to see what may come of it. This might, and generally will feel uncomfortable, at first, or we may ease into it (as I did that day at the gym) and discover new and exciting things about ourselves. We may meet new people, open the door to new opportunities, discover new interests or passions, or come to realize we were perfectly content with things just as they were, all along. The key is to be open to the idea of broadening your horizons and allowing the possibility for new experiences to unfold. The more we engage in stepping out of our comfort zones, the easier it becomes to do so. If we need the assistance or the urging of a friend, that is perfectly fine. Engaging in new behaviors or experiences can be daunting.  Moral support is always a welcome addition, in instances such as these.
     Nothing ventured, nothing gained is a great way to view life. We need to be present and willing to try new things, even when we fear the potential outcomes. With just a slight shift in our consciousness, we can create a new and fertile ground, in which to cultivate a rich harvest of greater enjoyment, self-esteem and confidence, all to make our lives much more gratifying.“ … And away we go!”