Starting Herbs Indoors!


In the last 43 years VanBourgondien Nursery has expanded into a year-round full service Garden Center. We sell a full and unique range of Annuals, Perennials, Trees, Shrubs, soils, pottery, urns, gift-ware, statuary, bird feed and supplies and water gardening supplies. Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality plants to ensure your gardening success

Herbs not only enhance the taste of food, but many are beautiful ornamentals, produce attractive flowers and fragrance. It's too early to sow seeds directly in your outdoor garden, however you can plant seeds for herbs in a sunny window. There's nothing like a home cooked meal flavored with fresh cut herbs!
    Seeds–Planting seeds at the right depth is extremely important for proper seed germination. In addition, seeds have different light requirements for germination.
    Depth–The amount of growing medium you place on top of your seeds is partially determined by their size. For example, smaller seeds such as lemon balm, will need a shallower covering than larger nasturtium seeds. A general rule for planting seeds is to cover them with enough soil for 1-3 times their size.
    Light–The amount of growing medium is also determined by the light requirements for seed germination. Seeds may need to be covered with soil or left uncovered.
For best results, follow the directions on your seed packet.
    Do not let your newly planted seeds dry out. For best results, bottom water your seeds by placing  containers in a flat tray of water. Leave them on the tray only until the soil at the top is moist. Bottom watering prevents die back and promotes deep roots. Your goal is to keep your plants and seeds moist, but not over water them. Transplant your herbs once they’re too large for their pots.
    Herbs that you could plant from seed include: Basil, Chives, Cilantro, Dill, Oregano, Parsley, Sage & Thyme to name a few. To add an extra pop of color, try growing variations of popular culinary herbs such as, purple basil and tricolor sage.
    With a little care, your indoor herb garden will grow strong through the winter, and provide fresh seasoning for your meals. Come Spring, you can move the plants outdoors into the garden, cut them back, give them a shot of organic fertilizer, and they will continue to flourish.
    When planting seeds, always read the back of the packets for specific sowing instructions, and as always, we at Van Bourgondien Nursery are here to help you sow and grow your garden successfully. We carry a full line of seeds, starter kits, starter soils, peat pots and trays so you can successfully grow your own.

Happy Herb Gardening!