Spring is the Season For Decorating & Renovating


Dear Readers,

In January, you probably made some heartfelt New Year’s resolutions – lose weight, start an exercise program, clean up the clutter and get organized. So, how is that going for you? If you’re like most folks, your good intentions probably are no longer reality. With most of winter behind us, we need to up our game because spring is the season for decorating and renovating. It’s time to get moving, start cleaning up– purging and organizing– so you can make your shopping experience a successful one.

  • Make a “need” list and “wish” list – being realistic with regards to your space and budget availability.
  • Measure furniture that’s staying and determine what will be purchased.
  • Prepare your floor plan to take with you, but be flexible in making changes as you shop.
  • Check out potential sources through newspapers, magazines, internet, etc.

Hint: Designers take all applicable samples along with floor plans and pictures as they make their selections in the field, and you should too.

  • Choose colors for the long haul and not the “flavor of the month”.
  • Start with patterned carpet or area rugs.
  • Select paint colors after carpet, furniture, and window treatment fabrics have all been selected.
  • Use your present furniture as place holders rather than settle for new items with poor quality.
  • Save money by doing some work yourself. (As long as the final result will look professional.)
  • Set up major pieces before you shop for the rest.
  • Start accessorizing with your own things first (collectibles, books, photos, etc.) and then add new items.

If renovating is in your plan, start NOW – because the world since the pandemic is filled with delays – in products and materials as well as in labor shortage. Be prepared to wait for what you really want or revise your thinking about the scope or timeline of your project.

Whether you’re imagining big or starting small, it’s all in the planning. Do your homework – check out the mind boggling wealth of information literally at your fingertips (just say the magic word “Google”!). However, know that shopping local is often easier, safer, less confusing and ends with better results. Before you make a costly mistake, get advice from the experts to help you make big decisions that will affect what you look at and live with every day.

In short, now’s the time to begin! With the changing of the seasons you can make some positive changes in your home – which always brings positive change to those who live there as well.


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Natalie Weinstein, Allied ASID, IDS, is an accredited designer, acknowledged business leader, entrepreneur, author, media personality and motivational speaker. Her interior design firm, Natalie Weinstein Design Associates, has been creating lifestyle changes in homes and public spaces, decorating for countless clients since 1973. In 2001, the Natalie Weinstein Home Decorating Club was launched to guide "do-it-yourselfers" with a little help from a pro. Uniquely Natalie, a quality furniture and accessory consignment boutique was opened in 2014 to give every shopper an opportunity to create a beautiful home no matter what the budget. For questions, please call 631.862.6198.