Spring Into Design


Natalie Weinstein is President of Natalie Weinstein Design Associates, The Natalie Weinstein Home Decorating Club and Uniquely Natalie, a quality consignment 
boutique. For inquiries call: 631-862-6198.

If any season can be associated with a definite desire to decorate, it has to be spring! The term “spring cleaning,” dating back to before the turn of the century, inspired many feelings. It meant untold back breaking hours of work beating rugs, white washing woodwork, polishing silver and cleaning the house from top to bottom. But with it came the great satisfaction of cleanliness, orderliness and the newness of spring. 
    Our human desire to renew– as the earth does– translates into spring, thus becoming the busiest design season of the year. In truth, if people wanted to be ready for spring, they would prepare in the winter; however, most don’t think ahead until there is strong evidence of the season changing. Frustration abounds when shoppers find they must wait for furnishings to be delivered; hence, impulse buying ensues. Immediate purchases may not be the best long-range decision, however it occurs more often than not. Furthermore, starting with an inappropriate purchase (wrong color, scale or style) may put you on a one-way street to continued misdirection. Even now you can still plan ahead. Here are some tips to help: 
7 Steps to Spring Redecorating
•    Do a real clean-up and discard.  Organize closets, clean up clutter and simplify your surroundings. This will not only provide a sense of satisfaction, but will force you to make intelligent decisions about items you need or want. Now, you can see which furnishings can stay and look well with just a “face-lift”.
•    Make a plan in writing. Using graph paper and a ruler, make a plan of the room as well as the pieces of furniture you’d like to keep. Moving furniture on paper saves a lot of wear and tear on your back and enables you to see many options. (We have furniture templates available to help you get started; just contact us  631-862-6198)
•    Now, rearrange the furniture. Look at the furniture carefully; bearing in mind those pieces which may need re-upholstery, as well as necessary additional furniture. Try to visualize the end result.
•    Don’t forget your plan when you shop, but be flexible. If you find something you really like and your plan can be modified- buy it. If, however, your purchase will cause havoc with what exists or your budget- wait. Diligence and patience go a long way in decorating.
•    If you’re on a limited budget; painting, repairing and slipcovering can make  amazing changes to existing rooms. If you are handy and can do some or all of the labor yourself, you can stretch your money even further. If you’re hiring labor, get references, and see their work beforehand.
•    Remember, your front door area, porch and walkway can make the entry to your home springlike and colorful just by adding flower pots of lovely annuals. Vases of fresh flowers in the home can brighten every room, as well.
•    When you have a challenging design project which is beyond you, seek professional advice. It will save you time and money in the long run and will allow you to enjoy the results without the additional stress to your already busy life.

So get to it, get started, and happy spring! Ask us about our special spring consultations!