Sneaking Nutrients Into Your Kids Food


Michelle Pierre is a freelance writer and 
Registered Dietitian. Michelle writes comedic essays from a mother’s point
of view at She has been designing crafts and party planning for many years. Some of her creations can be seen on her Facebook site, Lucia Grace Bowtique.  She can be reached at

     Kids are notoriously picky eaters. They may go on what is known as "food jags" in which they will only eat one or a small group of foods for a period of time. Below I have noted 10 ideas on how you can literally "trick" your kids into eating better. You may need to start slowly keeping with the same colors and texture as some kids may sense something different about their food and put the stop sign up immediately. Just be sure you aren’t over zealous when you start on this "secret nutrition mission." You don’t want to sacrifice flavor.

1. Pureed Vegetables and Fruit  
Puree or use organic baby food such as sweet potatoes or carrots added to pancake mix. Make pancakes or waffles in fun shapes. Add 4 oz. pureed spinach to a brownie mix with 1/3 cup oil and 2 eggs and you will have a cake like brownie. Spinach is undetected!

2. Pasta/Bread/Flour 
Mix a small amount of butter and parmesan cheese and/or a touch of ricotta cheese to high protein or vegetable pasta. Spiral veggie noodles made out of squash can also be served. 

3. Simple Ingredients 
Many companies are beginning to make organic or simple ingredient dessert box mixes. No additives or preservatives and no high fructose corn syrup. If baking from scratch, experiment with almond, coconut or whole wheat flour. 

4. Ground Flax Seed 
Flax seed is high in fiber and minerals. It can be sprinkled on pizza crust, added to ground meat, bread crumbs, and muffins or cookies when baking. 

5. Smoothies
Fruit, yogurt, and ice can make a perfect smoothie.  But step it up a notch by adding protein powder or drinkable probiotic Kefir. Go ahead and throw in a handful of kale if you dare. Sweeten with some grapes and agave syrup and you're good to go.

6. Tortilla Chips
Kids love to munch on chips. Purchase tortilla chips with flax seed and high protein quinoa or veggie chips. 

7. Texture
Sometimes a change in texture can make all the difference. If your child doesn't like bananas or grapes try freezing them. Sprinkle some cinnamon on pineapple and grill it. Cauliflower rice is all the rage now. Grate cauliflower or buy it already grated and prepare it just as you would rice. 

8. Nut Butters
If allergies are not an issue peanut butter, almond, or cashew butter can be put into smoothies, spread on apples, bananas or bread.

9. Ice Pops
Buy fruit and veggie ice pops or make your own ice pops with chunks of fruit and fruit/vegetable juice combos.  

10. Make it Fun
I made a rainbow out of fruit for my daughter's rainbow unicorn birthday party last year. I also made an Angry Birds pizza for my son out of whole wheat dough, cheese and turkey pepperoni. Pinterest is filled with ideas on how to make a piece of art out of your food.

The bottom line is to keep trying. You are adding important nutrients to your child's food. Purchase the most natural foods you can find.  As your child matures he or she will most likely begin eating a much more balanced diet.  However, it is still important to introduce healthy foods at an early age. It's never going to be perfect but never give up introducing foods to your child.