Science Mutilated Watermelons


Bill Lauto is an Environmental
Scientist and Energy Consultant who has been teaching how we can save our money, energy, environment, and health, since 1982. Mr. Lauto operates and his work has been published in magazines such as: Consumer Report, Kiplinger's
Financial and Business Ethics.

Early summertime, and what do my eyes behold as I walk into Trader Joe? The food market already had Watermelons! My favorite fruit since I can remember. I immediately checked for the light tan spot on one side of the watermelon that proves that this melon ripened while still on the vine. These melons were grown in Florida, had a nice sound and look, so I purchased one.

That evening I cut open the melon, set aside the skin to compost later, and sat down with a big bowl of watermelon as I watch the Big Bang Theory. I placed a piece in my mouth and… Science has mutilated our watermelons!

I have had it with Genetically Modified food, also known as GMOs. Science and greed took away the amazing refreshing taste of watermelons! The watermelon had no taste! Yes, the melon was ripe and filled with color, but hard to chew. Watermelons that didn't taste like anything had become commonplace. Believe me, I know watermelons, and I remember what they tasted like once upon a time before all this genetically modified crap.

First, they modified watermelons to get rid of the seeds, but I enjoyed spitting out the seeds and made a game of it when young. Seeds also allowed us to plant our own watermelons in the backyard.

Second, they modified watermelons to give us more melon and less skin. The skin is so thin now, that insects have an easier time getting through.

Third, they reduced the thickness of the Rind so we can have more melon. I loved getting a little Rind in two or three bites per slice. The Rind has vitamins and according to the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, plays a role in fighting toxins and free radicals. Also, the converted amino acid provides heart and immune system protection.

In addition, researchers have found that eating Rind and adding to smoothies, leads to 30% less weight gain, while having the ability to boost blood flow by relaxing blood vessels. This has been referred to as a natural viagra.

But now, these GMO watermelons are always hard, have NO Seeds, virtually NO Rind, and NO taste! What is the use of having more melon to eat when there is no taste to be found, no beneficial Rind, or seeds?

Young people of today, have no idea about how they are being ripped off and deceived. They think this is how watermelon taste… No, no it doesn't. I want my real watermelons back!

So for all of you out there who think science has all the answers, No, no it doesn't. Some things should just be left the way God made them.