Personal Development: New Year. New You!


Forget resolutions! There’s no need to go crazy or start swearing off chocolate. Instead, I want you to go easy on yourself and begin incorporating a new positive daily habit that will make all the difference.

The most important one?

Create a solid morning routine. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve talked to clients who describe their mornings as rushed. Yikes! Just think—if you start your day rushed, what kind of energy are you creating for the rest of it? What kind of day are you attracting? You guessed it—rushed, overwhelmed, and stressful. And let’s be honest, that’s no fun for anyone.

So, what can you do?

Reevaluate your current morning routine. As someone who proudly admits I am NOT a morning person, I will still get up as early as needed to avoid rushing. I prefer to “leisurely” prepare for my day, even if it means setting my alarm a little earlier.

Ask yourself: Are you giving yourself enough time in the morning? Based on everything you need to do, how much time do you realistically need to get ready?

Here’s an example of my routine—not because you should copy it, but to get your mind going and give you some food for thought:

I always plan to wake up two and a half hours before I need to leave the house. This may sound like a lot, but let me break it down. If I need to leave at 9:00 a.m., my morning looks like this:

6:30 a.m. I wake up. Sometimes I set my alarm for 6:15 a.m., knowing I’ll snooze for 15 minutes. There’s something about that “warning alarm” that helps me avoid the shock of waking up suddenly from a deep sleep. That’s just me—LOL.

6:30–7:15 a.m. I go downstairs and have two cups of coffee (Keurig’s Paul Newman blend is my favorite!) During this time, I don’t go on my phone. Instead, I mentally prepare for the day. I might read a self-help book or do my Start Loving Life list, where I write down 10 things I appreciate or love about myself. My focus during this time is to feel my best and relax while enjoying my coffee.

7:15–7:30 a.m. I used to feed and walk my Chihuahua, Pumps. Sadly, last month, after a long and happy 16 years, he went to Heaven. I share this to highlight the importance of planning time for your pets. Caring for animals takes time, and you don’t want to rush. Luckily, my husband Jeff (my “hunnies”) gets up before me and feeds our five indoor cats and 10 outdoor (fixed) community cats (yes, ten!) But if he’s away, I plan for this too.

7:30–8:30 a.m. I make my bed, shower, do my makeup, hair and get dressed. I always know what I’m wearing ahead of time—decided the night before—because I, too, have been guilty of trying on 10 outfits in the morning before finding “the one.” That takes way too much time and will stress you out.

While getting ready, I listen to fun, inspiring music to prepare my mental state and set a positive vibe for the day. No sad songs here—wink!

8:30–9:00 a.m. I wrap up my routine. If I’m running a few minutes behind, it’s no big deal because I’ve built in extra time. During this window, I pack my work bag, grab a bottle of water, check the temperature to decide on a jacket, and even think about my car—does it need gas? If it does, I’ll leave a little earlier.

Now, you might be thinking, “Con, that’s a lot of time for a morning routine!” And I get it—you don’t need to do the same as me. But think about this: What could you do differently to ensure you’re preparing yourself and your day in the best way possible? When I leave the house, I feel good and ready. That’s exactly how I want you to feel, too.

So, commit to yourself. Take a moment to reflect on your morning routine and figure out how you can set yourself up for success. Once you do, your days will start to shift. You’ll feel better, and you’ll attract better—all because you made a point to feel good first.

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Connie Henriquez Kimmel, an upbeat life coach and author, is the mastermind behind Start Loving Life®, a lifestyle brand that teaches people of all ages—especially teens—how to be happier, more confident and LOVE LIFE in as little as 30 days! Known for her love of all things pink, Connie lives in Woodbury with her hunnies attorney, Jeff Kimmel, their spirited chihuahua, Pumkin and four non-cuddly rescue cats. For more information on how you can Start Loving Life®, check out