Nurture Your Heart, Nurture Your Spirit


Maria DiGiorgio is a devoted wife and mother, an educator and designer. 
Visit her Etsy shop: LaPetiteFleurbyMaria, for beautiful, one-of-a-kind, hand
embellished floral picture frames.

    With the advent of each day, we must take the opportunity to reflect on what it is our soul longs for.  What do we wish to do, where do we wish to go, and with whom do we wish to spend our time?  What is it that our inner whispers are trying to convey, and are we listening carefully and fully enough to really hear them?  We all have things that, as I like to say, “make our hearts sing” – people, places, activities and reflections that speak to our spirits, and bring us deep fulfillment and personal joy. Often, we forget about the importance of acknowledging these notions, as we become caught up in the demands of our very busy and hectic lives. We struggle to find the time to meet the expectations we place upon ourselves, as well as those placed upon us by our jobs,  families, community, and so on.  It becomes quite easy to lose sight of the aspects that bring us the most satisfaction, especially when carrying out the mundane necessary tasks that can actually bring us the least amount of personal pleasure.
    In setting aside a few precious moments each day, we can take stock of what is happening in our lives and ask ourselves what we can do to inject some fun, excitement and significance into our routines.  How can we incorporate the things we love or enjoy into the structure of our day?  Perhaps, we can only do so at certain times in our day or within our week. It need not be a daily occurrence, but rather, a daily attempt to reconfigure our needs and desires. In bringing awareness to all we take pleasure in, we can seek to engage in these pursuits more often and thereby invite a greater sense of contentment into our lives.
    Checking in with ourselves and asking the all-important questions we need to nurture our hearts, minds and spirits, is a critical component of procuring and maintaining a sense of purpose. Even if it’s chaos we must succumb to, at one time or another, it’s essential that we have the ability to seek refuge in the peace that comes from a well-balanced, well-lived life. Getting to know what that means (as it is singular to each one of us), and respecting the importance of such practices, will serve us well in our personal quest for happiness!