No More Grey!


  Times change, in fact, in decorating change is inevitable. Otherwise, how would the industry stay in business? In my  four plus decades as an interior designer, I’ve seen styles and colors come and go. Now finally, I’m seeing the demise of grey. Not that I dislike grey (I like all colors), but enough is enough!

  I’ve always cautioned my clients to select what resonates with them, not just what’s “in” which will eventually be “out”. In the 80’s, grey was hot just like now, but soon it will be gone for perhaps another few decades. This brings me to a story about a lovely couple whose home we renovated and decorated in Smithtown years ago. While the house was pristine, we heard from these clients recently requesting a small redo. They wanted some upholstery – rug cleaning and paint touch up – which we were happy to oblige. No, it wasn’t grey. The colors were of their choice and came out of timeless rug selections they had made. Interestingly enough, the colors they chose were some of the new “in” trend selections of this year! Moreover, their style of furniture was classic and comfortable – and still is. How do I know? My young design assistant (involved of course in this project), was shocked to learn how long ago this project was completed and how little it took to “refresh”.

  The point of this story? If you’re a “flavor of the month” kind of person in terms of style and color, I hope you really like decorating, because you will be doing a lot of it to keep up with the changing trends. However, if you are planning a redo that will have you done for a while – consider classic and timeless as your watchwords – available in any style and color that makes you happy. No matter what, one thing is for sure, whatever you choose will always come back in style— eventually!