Joy Is Good For The Soul


Stasie Tillman is a writer & an 
investment and personal finance analyst. She oversaw the Analytics department for a prominent Long Island bond 
brokerage firm for many years. She’s 
the founder of a faith and lifestyle website. Contact her at
    In the blink of an eye the summer has ended. I regretfully realize I didn’t make it to the beach not even once. The brutal summer sun and the beating heatwave that arrived in the Northeast during last days of August could not coerce me to make it out there. I could barely move around indoors let alone lie baking on the scorching sand of the beaches of Long Island.
    However, I did find moments of joy throughout the summer months. I found it in brief moments of impromptu get-togethers with friends, or one-on-one moments with my little ones or date nights with my spouse. With all the bad news in the media, and with today’s society prone to electronic overload, we are bombarded by negative news. This can leave a heaviness on the mood and a discouraged outlook on life. Instead of focusing on all that was going wrong in our society and in the world at large, I determined to look for the good things in life.
    Now that’s not to say make light of the current issues (such as the drama in the political campaigns, police brutality, or the disaster in Louisiana). These are all serious and very important issues that affect us all and the society we live in. But be aware that the constant maelstrom of negative images affects our psyche and our disposition. There will be times we need to turn off the news or unplug from social media, so that we can keep a right perspective. It is not all bad. There is still good in life!
    Our lives today are fast-paced. We often tackle many demands daily, which can leave us stressed and out of balance. It’s become common to hear ‘busy,’ as a response to the question, ‘how’ve you been?’ Let me encourage you to slow down. Take stock of your life and the people in it. Instead of saying I don’t have time, make time to fully be present with a friend or family member.  It is in these little moments, which happen so few and far between these days, that joy can truly be felt. 
    As we start the fall season and the weather cools a bit, I plan to spend a few evenings by the shore taking in a sunset or just listening to the waves rush in, and sharing these moments with my family. These are simple treats of life that are often overlooked in all the busyness. We weren’t built to operate in rush mode and constantly stressed. Our bodies, souls, and spirits suffer under such conditions. Let me encourage you to carve out some time to nurture yourself. Do something you enjoy, like reading a mystery, or taking an evening walk. Feed your soul with moments of joy, both big and small, and seek to keep a balance in your life. Your health and overall well-being will thrive.