Health & Wellness: How Gratitude Affects Health


The attitude of gratitude is a mindset that places the emphasis on positive thought. It is a higher vibrational feeling that uplifts our vitality which in turn lays the foundation for healing at the cellular level in our bodies. Our thoughts are palpable.

Gratitude turns our focus on to what is good and beautiful in our lives. It is the opposite of dwelling on negativity. Being aware of habits that remove us from feeling grateful is key.

Ask yourself: Am I a Downer Dan or Positive Polly?

Do I focus on what can’t be done and what is wrong?

Or do I see the glass half full and any obstacle is a learning opportunity for me?

When there is lack of gratitude, there is lack of healing. I see it in my practice and I do have the difficult conversations with my patients when needed. Addressing this important topic is by no means easy, but if their sour disposition on life is negatively affecting them, then the conversation will be the gateway for healing groundwork.

Let’s discuss some feelings to be aware of that take you away from the wonderful feeling of gratitude. One of the first things to consider is your sense of responsibility in general. Do you take responsibility for your life, encounters,  and /or things that have happened in the past? Do you truly understand that this may be your path to walk and /or lessons to learn? Or do you play the blame game and get stuck in situations?

Taking responsibility allows you to move through life with ease. Forgiveness and accountability foster growth. You want to steer clear of self-pity, complaining, comparing, and sense of entitlement. These are emotions that are actually your ego talking and they get in the way of healing and awareness of the power of the ‘highest good’.

If you are stuck in the lower vibrational levels, then the practice of gratitude will be a challenge. Trust me though, the simple act of gratitude will help elevate you from lower vibrations. Take the time to really delve into how you are feeling. It will help you to move through your emotions.

Techniques to improve your gratitude are vast. There are so many. My favorite is the “Gratitude Train’  because it is simple and you can do it anywhere and at anytime. Simply start thinking of five things you are grateful for. You can think about them; however, if you say them outloud, I do believe it helps your body to believe it which makes it more effective.

So give it a go. Say five things right now that you are grateful for. Could be this article, your cup of coffee, your house, the beating of your heart, or maybe it’s the person you are sipping your coffee with,  etc… When you really think about it – I’m sure you have it better than you think. You can build on gratitude.  You can’t build on negative thoughts though. Think about it – do you want to help yourself or degrade yourself??

In Good Health,

Dr. Dawn Siglain ND, LAc