Having Fun At Long Island Summer Festivals 2018


Rachael Severino is an 11th grade student at Sachem North High School in Sachem School District. This aspiring writer has a knack for the written word. She has penned short stories, poetry and is developing an impressive body of work. 

As summer comes into focus, everyone from young to young-at- heart are looking for fun ways to spend these warmer, sunnier summer days. Festivals on Long Island always prove to be an excellent way to spend a fantastic day. There is something for everyone – whether groups of friends or parents entertaining their children with an exciting day. Here is a round-up of some of the best festival choices for the summer days ahead.  

Sweetbriar’s Wildlife and Craft Fair
For the soft-hearted festival-goer, spending their day in Smithtown at Sweetbriar’s Wildlife and Craft Fair may prove to be an excellent choice. For just ten dollars, anyone can walk about, relishing in the music and interactive entertainment, all while learning about domestic and wild animals. Sweetbriar offers animal shows where viewers can see and engage with all sorts of wildlife. The Adirondack Wildlife Refuge will be making an appearance for anyone interested in how animals are healed and rehabilitated. They have also announced that they will be bringing some very special animal guests, like a coyote, for fair viewers to see. Along with the animals, there will be craft vendors and face painters, all creating animal inspired art. The runners of the Sweetbriar’s Fair take extra care to make sure that all who come visit leave with a better knowledge of how animals are meant to be treated.

Westbury Market Fair and Flea Market
For the artistic crowd, the Westbury Market Fair and Flea Market continues to be a fan favorite. During weekends this summer, the creative crowd may choose to visit and find incredible deals for handmade, high-quality, various fashions, cosmetics, watches, shoes, jewelry, and perfumes. Farmers bring fresh foods and collectors provide antiques from a variety of time periods. Children can find toys, crafts, and bicycles, making this market perfect for an entire family. 

Sayville Summerfest
Anyone living in or near Sayville will be interested to learn that starting Friday, August 10th, the Sayville Summerfest will begin its weekend long run. On that Friday, there will be a kickoff for the entire event. Saturday will feature a four-mile-run, where winners will receive a one-hundred-dollar prize and all participants are guaranteed a t-shirt. Finally, on Sunday, there will be a classic car show. Along with these day specific events, there will be over two hundred craft and food vendors each day. 

North Hempstead Beach Park Beach Feast
On Saturday, August 18th, North Hempstead Beach Park will be hosting this year’s Beach Feast from noon until five. For only ten dollars, people can, quite literally, feast on all the delicious food and drinks offered. Groups of friends can spend the afternoon eating and walking in the sand or splashing in the water. Families can enjoy the food, warm weather, and cool water together and couples can have a lovely time at the beach.

Labor Day Weekend Craft and Gift Fair
At summer’s end, students can spend one last weekend soaking up the sun and having a fantastic time at the Labor Day Weekend Craft and Gift Fair in Seaford. From early in the morning to the evening, vendors will be selling handmade and unique crafts at low prices for everyone to buy. Children can play on inflatable rides and have their faces painted to mimic a bird, cat, butterfly, or anything they desire. There will be sweet and savory foods available, so both types can partake, along with drinks of all sorts. 
No matter what activities you choose for this summer, make sure there is at least one festival on the roster. They offer a great deal of fun, and even some light-hearted learning, that will fill up the day with memories to last a long while.