Having a Heat Wave?


Bill Lauto is an Environmental Scientist and Energy Consultant who has been 
teaching how we can save our money, 
energy, environment, and health, since 1982. Mr. Lauto operates GoingTrueGreen.com and his work has been published in magazines such as: Consumer Report, Kiplinger's Financial and Business Ethics.

If you need a new air conditioner, you will also need this Secret Formula…

Using the W.H.I.L.E. Formula will help you when buying a new window or through the wall AC unit. This formula tells you the BTU size you will need to cool your room efficiently, because sometimes salespeople at stores use a formula that only helps to sell inventory. So it is best for you to calculate your BTU size before you even leave your house. The W. H. I. L. E. Formula divided by 60 equals the BTU size needed:

W = Width of your room

H = Height of your room

I = Insulation value in the walls
    ~ Plug in the value of 10 for "I" when you have well insulated walls with R-13 or higher insulation value.
    ~ Plug in the value of 18 for "I" when you have poorly insulated walls with R-11 or less.

L = Length of your room

E = Exposure
    ~ Take the longest wall in the room that is exposed to the outside and see which direction that wall faces:
    ~ Plug in the value of 16 if that wall is facing North
    ~ Plug in the value of 17 if that wall is facing East
    ~ Plug in the value of 18 if that wall is facing South
    ~ Plug in the value of 20 if that wall is facing West

Then multiply W x H x I x L x E divided by 60 to equal the BTU size you need

The WHILE formula DOES NOT calculate factors such as:
• Body heat adds up, but I don't think you are having a party all weekend long, every weekend.
• Window exposure, are they facing south or west or both? If yes, use shades or close your curtains!
• Large openings into another room. If yes, close the doors to that room.
• An Upstairs room with a poorly insulated Attic floor above. Insulate only the floor of your attic with R-30 and vapor barrier facing the attic floor. 
If you are adding more insulation in the attic to what is already there, DO NOT add additional vapor barriers!
• Uninsulated Basement ceiling that is below the room being cooled. Insulate the ceiling of a non-heated basement with R-19, vapor barrier 
facing up to the ceiling of the basement.

Once you know your BTU size you can go shopping and LOOK for the Energy Guide Label on the floor models. You want to find a model in the BTU size you need that has the best Energy Efficient Rating. Even if the AC unit has the Energy Star Label that DOES NOT necessarily mean you are buying the most energy efficient model made. You have to use the Energy Guide to know and compare.

Also don't worry about the most efficient model costing $75 or $125 dollars more, you will save that difference on the electric bill within the first full season of use. For more details visit EnergyHotwire.com or GoingTrueGreen.com anytime.