Halloween 2017


Rachael Severino is an 11th grade student at Sachem North High School in Sachem School District. This aspiring writer has a knack for the written word. She has penned short stories, poetry and is developing an impressive body of work. 
    With fall upon us, thoughts of pumpkins, candy, and of course costumes fill our minds. Halloween is a focal point in autumn; a time for childish delight and playful fear. While some opt to stay cozied up inside with a blanket watching a horror movie marathon, many choose to go out dressed as someone, or something, and get as many sweet treats as possible.  
    Every year, there is an array of spooky, cute, and witty costumes available for all ages in stores and online. 2017 does not disappoint, with lots to choose from for every age, style and budget.
    For the youngest trick or treater, a classic and cute costume like a pumpkin or little witch is always charming and a sure way to garner plenty of candy. Fans of the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy and Disney Princesses will be delighted by the number of choices available, as will those who fell in love with the live action Beauty & the Beast or the latest installment of Pirates of the Caribbean. Unleash an inner Moana, Jack Sparrow or Groot for great holiday fun. 
    Costumes mimicking Disney’s Descendants characters are quite the rage for tweens this year, following the release of the second movie. Tweens can easily look like the children of beloved villains in dark, elaborate­ and glittering outfits. Of course, this is also the age many choose to dress as the Grim Reaper or a psycho killer, embracing a darker look on the holiday. So don’t be surprised if your tween asks to be a voodoo priestess, zombie or other evil character. Once they wash off their make-up, they will return to their usual pre-adolescent selves.
    Teens who dress up tend to look for ‘punny’ costumes. Take a look on Tumblr or Reddit for more ideas than you can handle if you want a clever pun costume that you can create from items already in your closet. It’s cheap, funny, and enjoyable. 
    Adults, if you’re really looking for a costume to terrify, Pennywise the Dancing Clown from Stephen King’s IT is the way to go. Very few are fond of clowns to begin with, but this clown, in particular, gives everyone the shivers. Expect lots of Game of Thrones characters waltzing around your block, along with the occasional Chris Pratt, from Guardians of the Galaxy or Parks and Rec. 
    No one is ever mad at a cute puppy in an even cuter costume. So, if you have a dog, bring him along in his very own costume. Try to match his costume to yours for a perfect look (a devil to pair with your angel costume or the Cheshire Cat to go with your Red Queen). Note to all readers: cats will not accept this. 
    Couples costumes are still going strong, but typically for parties versus trick or treating. Matching up  from your favorite show (Cersei and Robert, for example) is a much better option than dressing as peanut butter and jelly.  
    No matter what you do on Halloween or who/what you go as, enjoy your night and your candy!