Garage Organization, and Now It Begins…


Natalie Weinstein is President of Natalie Weinstein Design Associates, The Natalie Weinstein Home Decorating Club and Uniquely Natalie, a quality consignment boutique. For inquiries call: 

    Usually at this time of year, I would write about being “house ready” or “backyard ready” for company this summer. However, now let’s talk about the garage – the place where rarely a car is parked.  It is that nether region that is too gross to conquer– where everything  eventually turns up after you need it, or you’ve bought more of it. 
    It should be so easy to declutter and organize this space.  Just open the garage door(s), put everything out on the driveway (moving your car(s) first, of course), and put only 20% back of what you really need!  So, here’s a good way to get there:
    • Get garbage pails or bags ready for discards right after your stuff hits the pavement.
    • Now start sorting into groups – garden tools, automotive, sports equipment (by category), winter weather supplies, pool supplies, “work bench” tools, house supplies (i.e. light bulbs, batteries, cleaning supplies, holiday decorations, etc.) and whatever else your garage has been designated to hold.
    • Utilize walls with slat board or hanging units for additional storage, easy access and viewing. If you’ve recently installed a new kitchen, old kitchen cabinets can be good repositories for items if they can be reused or rehung.  (Be sure to label on the outside what’s inside.)
    • Add a ceiling bike rack and other storage devices so you can clear the floor and leave space for your car.
    Note: Since it is now summer, you might want to have a “goodie bag” ready to travel in your car with sports equipment or games for a picnic or outdoor family get together. (Do the same in the garage for backyard parties.)
    In short, if you organize now the remainder of your summer will be more enjoyable without the stress of looking for your “stuff” when you need it – and what a great feeling to walk into a cleaned and organized garage!  If you’re really friendly with your neighbors, why not ask everyone to have a garage cleaning party all on the same day with the added bonus of a “finally finished” block party at the end – when you’ve finally found your lawn chairs.
    Maybe a garage clean-out could actually be FUN – or not.  But once it’s done, it will be worth it.  Who knows, maybe it will even spur you to do the same for your attic, basement, shed, or closet – OK– now I’ve gone too far.  But, if you love your garage, great things really might happen once it has been cleaned and organized!