Fun With Flowers


Marie Torio is a NY based photographer specializing in food, restaurant, interior and editorial. Her website where
she can be reached and her Instagram photosbymarietorio 

Hi friends! Today I want to talk about flowers. Don’t they  make us happy?  They are perfect for adding a pop of color to our home décor and  beautiful sceneries as we take a walk. Or, as a simple token of appreciation from someone we love, can instantly brighten our day. I’m pretty sure by now you know the direction I’m heading. Next challenge up… photograph those flowers!! Come along with me as I explain how and why I chose to shoot the following flowers.

The daffodils. My sweet little two-year-old daughter handpicked them. Looking at this image automatically reminds me of her face as she eagerly awaited my reaction. I placed them in a mason jar with some water and took advantage of the light coming in through the window. I have a black board that I placed behind the flowers, which allowed the yellow color of the daffodils to be front and center. 

The water lilies. During a family trip in Florida, we decided to take a walk around Worth Avenue in West Palm Beach, which is filled with shops and restaurants. There was a corner that had gorgeous flowers, succulents, palm trees and a few benches to sit and  enjoy the shade. I noticed these lilies in a fountain and decided I’d take some of that down time to experiment with my camera. I composed this frame facing forward. I wanted to be able to capture the detail of the flower petals, utilize the lily pads in the background for added depth, and also highlight the fact that there were more lilies about to bud right next to it.  

The succulents. This also, was  our Florida trip and this beauty was just amazing! I love how there’s a range of green and pink tones towards the middle of it and the pattern was just so interesting. I chose to take an up close shot because I was so enamored with the detail on the succulent.  

The snapdragon. This was taken in a courtyard at the Rodin Museum in Philadelphia. They did a nice job with the landscaping. It enticed us to sit, relax and enjoy the outdoors on a beautiful sunny day. I noticed the beautiful pink and plum color combination this flower had. Even though there were many more there, I wanted to focus on one and play around with the depth of field. I moved around and framed the flower from many angles hitting the shutter button until what I wanted in focus was sharp. Then, I just snapped away.

In summary, I can’t stress enough how there’s beauty everywhere. We just have to force ourselves to stop, look and appreciate it all. To me, these flowers are more than just flowers. They are attached to a memory. Next time you go for a walk, a family vacation or receive a bouquet of flowers, whip that camera out and compose some beautiful shots. Happy shooting!