Fitness – Some Secrets On Your Body And Aging… “The Smart Way”


John has a master’s degree in exercise science/human performance and doctoral studies in applied physiology.  He’s formerly certified by the American College of Sports Medicine as a Rehabilitative Program Director and Health Fitness Director.  He’s authored a college level text for fitness, wellness and conditioning classes.  He’s a former baseball coach and all conference collegiate player.  He can be reached

    Ladies and gentlemen…start your engines. Ever think about your body's engine? Consider this fact: your body loses 5 to 7 pounds of muscle tissue every decade of your adult life! Your muscles are like the complete engine of your body so think it terms of your body going from an 8- cylinder to a 6- cylinder to a 4- cylinder engine. 
    Although depressing you can combat the body's loss of muscle tissue through strength training. Please, don't worry as we are not talking about spending hours in the gym grunting and sweating bullets. Muscle development depends more on the intensity of the exercises than then the amount of time working out. The benefits can be derived with less than 30 minutes of strength-resistance exercises for two to three days per week. 
    Due to the natural loss of muscle with aging, your metabolism decreases by as much as 5% every decade of adult life. Therefore those calories 'burned' to maintain the body's function now go into fat storage. Not good. The good news is that research shows that you are never too old to replace muscles tissue. Also, as you add muscle you automatically increase your metabolism.
    Research on men and women over the age of 50 showed that by adding 3 pounds of muscle onto the body produced a 7% increase in the resting metabolic rate. Therefore the increase in muscles mass "burns' more calories every day! Let's understand the other benefits associated with strength-resistance exercises. It reduces body fat. Many experts tell you to do more walking/running or cycling or elliptical workouts to burn more calories. 
    This type of endurance exercise helps however strength-resistance exercises can be more effective. It enhances your bones -weak muscles leads to weak bones and strong muscles leads to strong bones! Other benefits include improving your blood sugar metabolism; can maintain or improve your low back health and reduce arthritic pain. 
    It's a new day. Get up and out of bed and … ladies and gentlemen start your engines. STRENGTHRESISTANCE EXERCISES ARE FOR YOU. Always remember talk with your personal doctor regarding your medical history and get moving!!!