Dishin with Denise… Growing Up “Rich” On Escarole!


Denise Gianatasio is a Northport 
Village resident and freelance writer. 
She is a licensed agent at Signature 
Premier Properties, 172 Main Street, Northport 631-754-3600. Denise 
enjoys cooking and sharing her recipes and family stories, as she wants to
inspire a warm sense of home with 
her readers. Please feel free to contact her for any advice you may need at
    As a child I grew up eating escarole just about each and every day of the week. Back then, I didn’t quite understand or appreciate how incredibly valuable this delicious green was.  I am sure, if tested my DNA would include escarole in its molecular breakdown. My mother and grandmother always had some ready, washed and wrapped in paper towels in the refrigerator just waiting to be thrown or slipped into something they were cooking. Smart ladies!  
    A wonderful nutritious green plant belonging to the endive family with a broader paler and less bitter taste.  High in folic acid, fiber, and vitamins A and K, it’s packed full of flavor. 
    As a child escarole or “scarol” showed up everywhere~ in almost every meal at my house. It appeared in chicken broth with baby meatballs as salad on grilled steak sandwiches, it was there with rice and beans, it floated in the chicken and beef soups, had it’s origins in minestrone ~and oh yes even lentil soup revealed traces of this green stuff! She was seen sautéing it in garlic and olive oil, stuffing it etc, etc. 
    Having 4 hungry children she knew this inexpensive vegetable made right was a frugal way to ensure healthy eating … with a truly “rich return”,  just everyday… Italian. 
     As a young mother this was probably the first blended vegetable I prepared for my babies. …My boys and my grandchildren have a real love for escarole. Growing up in the 60’s I was afraid my friends would think we were an… odd family…as they were usually not familiar with this green stuff served on their plate when invited to eat over. I’d ask my Mom “why can’t you just serve ordinary vegetables, like carrots?”  Ha!  She’d just smile…she knew what she was doing. 
     Today if my Mother were here she’d have to agree …grilling escarole is a favorite way to prepare this vegetable. Especially…now during the summertime with our local farm stands.  We recently grilled it with salmon ~  yum! Also try it alongside grilled Italian sausage, a piece of grilled crusty bread, a glass of wine and of course eat outside for increased flavor and special effects! Embrace these beautiful warm summer days with good meals, good friends, and family all outdoors till dusk takes you into the night!  La Vita e’ Bella!  xo Denise
     Wash 1 large whole head of escarole (cut lengthwise in half) in a colander, carefully making sure in between leaves are rinsed well. Let drain, use paper towel to remove excess moisture. Brush with olive oil, salt and fresh black pepper.   On a low flame carefully (try not to burn) grilling and turning frequently for approx 10-15 minutes or desired crunch. Can sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese or a drizzle of oil. Enjoy!