De-Stress Before Its Back To School


Dr. Paulette Nadel, Ed.D. is a professional academic counselor with a private 
practice specializing in school stress and test anxiety. You can visit her website at or reach her at or 516-445-2104.
    It’s almost time for back to school. This can be both an exciting time and a stressful time for both parents and kids. The new school year brings change, new opportunities, new friendships, and adventures. As with most change preparation and organization is paramount. Planning ahead is a necessity.  
    There are things parents can do well before school even starts. Towards the end of summer is a great time to shop early for all school supplies. Advantages are that stores are not as crowded and school supplies are usually well stocked. Sometimes teachers will provide lists to parents of what supplies students will need in the coming school year. Buying notebooks, pens, pencils, calendars, etc. and having them ready for students well before the start of school is a great plan. Helping your kids to set up their notebooks with dividers, folders, and labels will not only keep them organized but will also help them feel excited and prepared for the new school year. 
    Organizing study areas for kids is also a great summer project. Survey your kids study areas. Are their desks and chairs comfortable?  Are desktops cleared of last year’s papers, notebooks and clutter?
    Are study areas well lighted and void of possible distractions? Many stores have back to school sales on computers and laptops towards the end of summer as well.
    Planning as much in advance as possible for such things as babysitting arrangements, car pools, after school activities, will also help parents to avoid the stress once crunch time arrives. Having things in place ahead of time can bring peace of mind and is really a great feeling.
    While planning and preparing ahead of time will certainly help parents and students to be organized and ready, sometimes both may still feel some anxiety and stress as the big day approaches. This is a great time to de-stress together. Late summer is often a low key, casual fun time. Set aside a half hour to forty-five minutes several times a week to sit together in a comfortable setting and do some deep breathing exercises. Close your eyes, relax, and allow yourselves to think of fun activities you may have shared together over the summer. Additionally, coloring has become a popular relaxation activity for both adults and kids. Plan a coloring session where you can sit together and color without distractions. All of these activities can become fun bonding times for parents and kids to spend time together while de-stressing before the hectic busy school days ahead!