Creating Relationships With Children With Autism


Farah Murad is the founder of Inspire Learning Center for Children with Autism. Her office is in Huntington and does outreaches all across United States and internationally helping children with social development and academics including Reading, Writing and Language development. Contact her
631-223-3604 or visit her Facebook page and

You know the feeling when someone understands you fully without judgements, that someone we form a relationship with because they understand us. All relationships begin with mutual understanding of non judgement and acceptance. It is no different for a child with Autism. According to CDC (Center of Disease Control and Prevention), 1 in 88 children are estimated to have Autism spectrum Disorder. Children with Autism have a challenge in forming relationships as they tend to disassociate themselves socially leaving parent, sibling and others challenged in knowing how to form a relationship. 

As a Parent of child with Autism the key to forming a relationship is by creating a nonjudgmental view of your child and learning your childs motivations. This will help create a deep understanding of your child and help build a relationship with them. For this to happen, parents need to spend time with their child by observing, playing and have fun with them. Being there for them helps the child see that the parent is interested and this helps in forming a deep mutual connection. 

Here are a few ideas:

• Get to know your child and what motivates them. It sounds obvious but usually parents ignore the little details. So find out what your child is motivated by. I do not mean video games or any overstimulating object, since that can be counterproductive. Ask yourself what kinds of activities does my child like, foods and such. Start to understand your child likes and talk to them about it.  

• Form a deep love of their interests

• Be playful with your child 

• Avoid giving electronics or limit it to end of day activity. Limiting electronics such as iPod, iPad, iPhone, Tablets, TV can free their minds from being over stimulated so children can pay attention.
• Be consistent and set a time just to play or talk with your child. For example, if your child is non verbal start by reading to them a book that they love or if they play with a certain toy, play with them. If your child is verbal find their preference in activities and start to engage with them. Just try to be there for them. 

A child’s motivation is the key in forging a 
successful relationship since it becomes the medium between you and your child. It helps you as a parent in understanding and relating with your child. I know you love your child and I am sure these ideas that I presented will work for you as it has worked for the parents I work with. So go ahead and try these ideas and create the most
amazing relationship with your child.