Christmas Trees


In the last 43 years VanBourgondien Nursery has expanded into a year-round full service Garden Center. We sell a full and unique range of Annuals, Perennials, Trees, Shrubs, soils, pottery, urns, gift-ware, statuary, bird feed and supplies and water gardening supplies. Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality plants to ensure your gardening success

The first documented decorated Christmas Tree was in Riga, Latvia in 1510.
    The first printed reference to Christmas trees appeared in Germany in 1531.
    Christmas trees have been sold commercially in the United states since 1850.
    The first Christmas tree retail lot in the United States was started in 1851 in New York by Mark Carr.
    In 1856 Franklin Pierce, the 14th President of the United States, was the first President to place a Christmas tree in the White House.
    Between 1887-1933, a fishing schooner called the "Christmas Ship" would tie up at the Clark Street bridge and sell spruce trees from Michigan to Chicagoans.
    Since 1971, the Province of Nova Scotia has presented the Boston Christmas Tree to the people of Boston in gratitude for the relief supplies received from the citizens of Boston after a ship exploded in 1917 following a collision in the Halifax, Nova Scotia Harbor. Part of the city was leveled killing and injuring thousands.
    Since 1966, the National Christmas Tree Association has given a Christmas tree to the President and  the first family.
    Growing Christmas trees provides a habitat for wildlife. They also remove dust and pollen from the air.
    Recycled trees have been used to make sand and soil erosion barriers  and placed in ponds for fish shelter.
    More than one million acres of land have been planted in Christmas trees. The industry employs over 100,000 people. More than 2,000 trees are usually planted per acre. Almost all trees require shearing to attain the Christmas tree shape. At six to seven feet, trees are usually ready for harvest.
    Christmas trees take an average of 7-10 years to mature. They’re grown in all 50 states including Hawaii and Alaska. 93% of Christmas tree consumers recycle their tree in community recycling programs, or plant them in their garden or backyard. 
    Approximately 2-3 seedlings are planted for every harvested Christmas tree.
    Since 2003, Dee's Nursery from Oceanside, New York, has been delivering the spirit of Christmas to military families one Christmas tree at a time via the Trees for Troops program.
    In the first week, a tree in your home will consume as much as a quart of water per day.    
    You should never burn your Christmas tree in the fireplace. It can contribute to creosote buildup and is not safe.    
    Thomas Edison's assistant, Edward Johnson, came up with the idea of electric lights for Christmas trees in 1882.
    Christmas tree lights were first mass produced in 1890.
    Merry Christmas.