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Personal Development

This Memorial Day and Every Day: Never Forget The Power of “I Am”

For me, as well as many others, two of the most powerful words in the English language are “I am.”

The Soundtrack of Our Lives

For each one of us, there are songs we associate with the most memorable times of our lives.

Thank You, Mom

Thank you, Mom, for the precious gift of life, you have given us.

Ways To Handle End of School Year Stress

The end of the school year brings tests, finals, and summer vacation planning.

Being Mindful To Cope With Stress

Major changes in life – good or bad – are often accompanied by stress.

The Easiest Way To Be Happy In Only 10 Days

The longer it takes you the more opportunity you have to improve your positive thinking.

Setting Goals for a Happy, Healthy New Year

So many people set grandiose goals that seem achievable on January 1st, but by the end of February are long forgotten and abandoned.

Kids Have Stress!

When this happens it can affect learning, grades, performance, and even social activities.

Let It Go

How do you truly "let it go"?

Ways To Keep Your Sweet Trick-or-Treater From Becoming Sour!

Pacing the race of Halloween festivities is not always as swift as a witch on her broom.

Academic Wellness, Your Student, and You

Students look forward to learning new things and connecting with friends.

How To Feel Good About Going Back To School

Child Behavior Consulting offers suggestions for you and your child to amp up that adventurous side to look forward to going back to school!
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