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Personal Development

Looks Like I Picked The Wrong Week To…

Of course, life doesn’t only entail emotional, physical and mental mayhem, but it certainly does pack a wallop on a fairly regular basis.

Summertime… And The Living Is Easy

The only problem is, that a lack of organization can quickly lead to chaos, boredom and apathy.

Is It Just Me, Or Has The World Gone Mad?

Just about everything is different in the way people do things.

Faith Brings Dreams To Life

When considering the topic of faith the argument always leads to religion.

Honoring Our Moms on Mother’s Day

I lost my beloved mother nearly two years ago and to cope with that loss, I have found several ways to honor her.

Do You Have A Love/Hate Relationship With Your Electronic Devices?

I do. I admit it. I love the conveniences. If meeting somebody & one of us is running behind, its great to receive or send a text,” Be there in ten minutes.”

I Cannot Live Without Books

Wherever we go, we are surrounded by the written word.

Motivation To Exercise

If you’ve been waiting to begin something, now is the time. A new year brings new mindsets, new ideas, and change.

The Greatest of These is Love

Love is, in my estimation, the most priceless and precious gift any human being can give or receive. It is the very essence of life and the one thing most sought after by all. Love can feel like the gentlest of breezes on a warm summer day, or its intensity can literally take your breath away.

Motivation To Exercise

If you’ve been waiting to begin something, now is the time.

Check Up On Study Skills For The New Year

It’s a good time to get organized, re-establish routines, and reinforce skills that may be getting sloppy at this point in the school year.

Happiness In The New Year

Now, how many of us can say our hearts are truly happy?
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