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Home & Garden

What Are You Doing This Summer?

As a designer, I have always enjoyed watching my clients, even those who told me they dreaded shopping, respond happily to the experience.

Mid-Summer Gardening

Mid-summer is a good time to see where the empty spots are in the garden and fill them in with some later blooming perennials and fresh color.

Floor Plans For Today

Today’s more casual lifestyle, for most people, has dictated a shift away from formality in the design of homes.

Gardening 101

These basic definitions serve as good starting points to distinguish between annuals, biennials, perennials, trees and shrubs.

“Man Caves” and Father’s Day

Perhaps getting the dad of the family a tie is not cutting it this year – and he actually planted flowers for you on Mother’s Day. Perhaps this is the year you want to give him his own space – a space for which he’s secretly (or not so secretly) longed for as long as you have lived in your home.

Recycled Tea Planters

This winter was long and cold, a perfect time to warm up with a cup of tea.

Spring Into Color

Color – glorious color – is a designer’s best friend.

Mother’s Day Tea Cup

Flavored coffee, herbal tea, hot water with lemon, whatever mom’s drink of choice may be, it surely tastes better when served in a lovely cup.

Outdoor Living Spaces

Plan in the spring and you will ensure a great summer getaway in your own home.

Fertilizer Out Of Fresh Air

Everyone who is taking care of a lawn and garden will be fertilizing that lawn, flowers, or vegetables, this Springtime season.

Tips For Home Renters

When renting, the focus of where you choose to spend your money is slightly different from owning your home.

Outside Light Bulbs And Cold Temps

Many Going True Green readers and members have compact fluorescent bulbs in outside fixtures.
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