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Drying Clothes: Tips To Lower Energy Costs

Here are 7 steps that SIGNIFICANTLY lower your energy cost to dry clothes.

Take Down Post Its

You will never need to buy post up notes again or use a single tree for some scrap paper.

Decorating College Dorms

I’ll never forget my first college dorm experience.

Trends In The Home Industry Today

Long Island building and rebuilding is on the rise.

Having a Heat Wave?

If you need a new air conditioner, you will also need this Secret Formula...

Unexpected Guests

Though it might be hard work to get it that way, the end result is worth it.

Home Made Wee Killer

Summer 2015 will be upon us in just a few days and weeds are already everywhere! We go through great lengths to eliminate weeds. However, what we must ask is: How do we dispose of the weeds in our lawn?

Preparing for Summer Entertaining

Outdoor entertaining is far more relaxed, but once again, good planning can help you enjoy your guests, stress free.

Save Big With LED Light Bulbs

If you are still using Standard Incandescent light bulbs there is one powerful fact you may not know.

Mother’s Day Home & Garden

The perfect gift selection seems to elude a good portion of the population.

Embrace the Moment

I'm writing this on the first day of spring, and it’s snowing.
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