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The Winter Doldrums and Yearning For Spring

You may want spring to be just around the corner, but we’re not quite there yet. Where we have been, sometimes more than many of us would like, is in our homes.

Valentine’s Day – A Family Affair

Valentines Day has always been known as a special day to devote to your significant other. Hearts, flowers, and chocolates are synonymous with Valentine’s Day.

A Place For Everything And Everything In Its Place!

Organizing Tips - Room by Room

Adding Some Pizzaz To Your Wine Glasses

Wine glasses are a terrific gift idea for that special friend, as a hostess gift or just for show.

New Year

We can worry about what we can’t change or we can begin to change what is in our control.

Homemade Holiday Crafts

Homemade Holiday Crafts for parents and their kids.

Dressing a Table for the Island Harvest Food Bank Gratitude Event

From now until the first of the year Natalie Weinstein Design Associates and Uniquely Natalie are drop off locations for all non-perishables and donations for the Island Harvest Food Bank.

Give Thanks Yarn Embroidery

Kim Montenero is a freelance writer and craft designer. Her work has been featured in Reloved Magazine, Parade.com and The Huffington Post. She blogs at  www.exquisitelyunremarkable.com...

Dressing Your Dining Room For The Holidays

At this time of year our “social selves” are on display.

Halloween Crafts For Grown Ups

You can make these adorable Halloween friends out of wine bottles.

The Flurry Of Fall

Now it’s time to relax and enjoy the loveliness of the change of seasons, as well as the peace and beauty of your own home.

Fall Book Leaf Banner

Truth be told, I’m more of a summer girl, but the impending change of season is a great excuse to whip up something pretty for my mantle…like a book page leaf banner.
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