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Home & Garden

Home & Garden: Our Home Is Our Sanctuary

There truly is “no place like home”, and each home is as unique as the people, who dwell in it! The beauty of having...

Home & Garden: How Does Your Garden Grow?

After an April of far more than a few showers, a May of spectacular flowers seems a reasonable request. The soil is moist and...

Companion Planting for a Successful Harvest

Rich soil, check. Water, check. Sufficient sunlight, check. Is there anything else to do to ensure a bountiful harvest from your garden?  Consider companion...

Home & Garden: Top Trends for 2024-Part 2

As a designer who has been concerned about the health and wellness of my clients, as well as their design needs, I have seen...

Go Green and Grow an Herb Garden

As we start this month of April, we are reminded that it is National Garden Month and this month includes Earth day which is...

Home & Garden: Top Trends for 2024

As an Allied ASID interior designer, I am required to continue my education in the field to maintain my accreditation. The American Society of...

Early Spring Gardening

It’s been a strange winter here in the northeast. We’ve seen minimal snow, unseasonably warm temperatures, and, at least in my home garden, annuals...

The Benefits of Houseplants

featured editorial brought to you by Acer’s Florist & Garden Center It should be made official; January is houseplant month. There’s a feeling of emptiness in...

Winter and Light

The holidays have come and gone and the sparkle of light over darkness in our menorahs and Christmas decorations seems to have left, as...

Holiday Decorating

The holiday season is upon us, and it’s the perfect excuse to showcase your personal celebratory style! Take a look around your home, and...

6 Ways To Weatherize Your Home

A changing of the seasons may mean adjustments to your routine and updates to your home decor, but it also brings maintenance and upgrade...

Change and Home

Each time the phone rings in my office, it seems, whether new client or old, it is all about change. While change is inevitable,...
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