You will notice a contagious, positive vibe at the wellness retreat, which practically disintegrates the complaining mentality and promotes more positive thinking.
Your spouse starts to tell you that youre not listening to them. Family members are telling you to turn the television down. Youre making comments in conversation that are being met with, I just told you that
After decades of working hard and raising children, Ive learned that there are many well-deserved benefits in becoming of senior age. Many benefits begin age 55.
The snow has finally fallen and the spring birds have begun their mating calls. Weve pushed our clocks forward an hour after spring equinox on Wednesday, March 20. As the warm days beckon us outside, its time to rejuvenate your mind and body.
Let Your Thoughts Inspire You
Your mind is working for you every second of every day even while youre sleeping. In fact, one of the major ways we detox our brain is via the glymphatic system (yes it starts with a G).
As a Naturopathic Doctor, people often ask me, How can I detox? My answer is always multi-faceted depending on the patient, yet with one empowering answer, Right now & let me show you how! There are many things that you can start doing to flush out toxins. These daily habits should eventually become your lifestyle.
Irish Beef and Beer Pot Pie
Servings: 4-6
While some St. Patrick’s Day celebrations call for green beer and large gatherings, you may instead opt for...
47 East Main Street, Smithtown
(631) 360-3383
Nestled on Main Street in the heart of Smithtown, Chop Shop is a concealed gem that, at times,...