Home Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

Caring For Your Aging Parents As Well As Caring For Yourself

Many of us are in what is called the “sandwich generation” and what I like to call the “Panini generation.”

Improve Posture For Better Health

Having good posture is not just about looking better but may prevent such problems as back pain, headaches, TMJ, muscle imbalances, as well as respiratory and circulatory issues.

Science Mutilated Watermelons

I have had it with Genetically Modified food, also known as GMOs. Science and greed took away the amazing refreshing taste of watermelons!

How Much Is Your Medicine Cabinet Costing?

The best location for all medication is in a locked drawer.

Love After Divorce or Loss of a Loved One

You’re not alone on this path as there are many others like you. And you may be pleasantly surprised by whom you may meet.

Upright, Beautiful & Perfect

All we need do is remove some obstacles so the power within us can come forth.

Thoughtful Gifts For Mom

Gifts with meaning, no matter what their dollar amount are the most cherished ones.

Toxic Kitchen?

Many items are commercial products to help clean an oven, sink, drain pipes, exhaust fans, all types of floors, countertops, stainless steel appliances, dishes, and silverware.

Growing Popularity Of A Plant-Based Diet

Dr. Oz says a vegan diet is the big movement of 2017.

You Can’t Afford The Luxury Of A Negative Thought

We each fall into negative thoughts at times and momentarily at least seem to enjoy the indulgence.

Winter Blues or Happier News?

January is known to be the saddest month with the highest rate of depression, and February doesn’t fall far behind.

A Sweet & Sometimes Healthy Valentine’s Treat!

While out shopping with my son recently, he pointed out a plaque that read: “Chocolate comes from cocoa, which is a tree. That makes it a plant. Chocolate is a salad.”
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