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Food & Drink

A Starting Lineup

Apps & Starters Perfect For Game Day

Savory Eats: Parlay

Parlay Gastropub in Rockville Center is a foodie amusement park. Innovative, imaginative and simply put: Parlay is nothing short of a fun time.

Dishin With Denise… Here’s a Pizzzza My Mind!

LOOK! “A pie in the sky” We flew 1,253.1 miles to find a slice of heaven.

Savory Eats: Chris’s Restaurant

When you move away from home, one of the first things you are drawn to do when you arrive is find things that remind you of where you came from.

Savory Eats: Vauxhall

Vauxhall’s menu is unpretentious and to the point.

Happy Holiday Cornucopia…filled with Love!

May your horn flow with plenty of gratitude, with an endless supply of this tasty Italian Cornucopia delight (Cornu~ means horn and copia means plenty). My loving newlyweds are feeling happily married and ready to take on the Holidays with an abundance of overflowing deliciousness.

Festive New Year’s Eve Cocktails and Appetizers

My husband and I love hosting a New Year’s Day get together. We’ve started a tradition that everyone gathers by our house around 2 p.m. for light appetizers and tasty cocktails.

Dishin With Denise… Tasty Toasts!!! …To Holiday Entertaining

On the first day of Christmas…my true love made for me a crostini …in a PEAR TREE!

Savory Eats: Munday’s

Munday’s is known as a “throwback diner with old-time soda fountain dishes, classic comfort food & popular weekend brunch”.

Easy and Elegant Holiday Appetizers

One of my favorite ways to share in all of the excitement is to spend time in the kitchen with a nice glass of red and a new cookbook.

Dishin With Denise… Black Bean Chicken Soup With a Kick!

A truly delicious way to support your immune system during the extra busy shopping season.

Savory Eats: Toast Coffeehouse

Upon first glance, Toast is your typical neighborhood coffee shop. It is only after you walk inside and witness the hoards of people waiting for a table, that you realize there must be something distinctively special about this place.
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