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Career Development

How To Get Call Backs On Your Resume Submittals

It is 2:00 a.m. and Sue cannot sleep. Another week of her intense job search has once again yielded no responses to her resume....

3 Must-Do’s to Realize Your Career Ambitions

First, a story. After speaking at a conference about research I did on career planning, I was dumbfounded by how many attendees sought me out...

3 Steps to a Door Opening Resume

In today’s super-competitive job market, every job seeker needs to differentiate themself from the pool of similarly qualified candidates. HR representatives and hiring managers...

The Four Corners of Balance

Work-life balance has been a topic of discussion for women trying to “have it all”. In recent years, the debate has focused on whether...

Preparing For Furlough “I’m sorry, but we have to let you go.”

Even if you are miserable at work, these 10 words will floor you, if not, change your life. As a professional resume writer and job...

Study Guide TIPS

When beginning a new school year, it is common to promise ones self to strict study schedules, organized backpacks, and flawless work ethics. For some, this is perfectly plausible, for others, these ideas are just that, ideas; something dreamt up, but soon forgotten.

Your Resume Creates Your Future

It’s impossible for me to overstate the linkage between your resume and future success. Having spent over 30+ years in Corporate HR in sizeable organizations, I cannot begin to calculate how many resumes I’ve reviewed. Few were memorable, some were acceptable, and most were immediately forgettable.

Your Resume Creates Your Future

It’s impossible for me to overstate the linkage between your resume and future success.

How Recent College Grads Should Manage Their Job Search

There is no magic formula in finding and getting a great job.

3 Tips For A Successful Job Search

Ask most people where they’d rank looking for a job and most would liken it to getting a root canal without the Novocain!

9700 Jobs and Counting

Per The Department of Labor, 9700 jobs were added to Long Island’s private sector in April and May. So, if you are a job seeker who is allergic to the LIRR and wants to work on the Island, this situation is encouraging.

2016: The Year You Get The Job You Truly Want

If you’re in the stuck group, then it’s time to make a New Year’s resolution to get you’re act together and get yourself a new gig.
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