If youre not on social media you may be considered out of touch. I must admit, I have lost hours each week caught up in everyone elses life on social media but my own. I would spend my entire lunch break scrolling through my friends extra curricular activities and food pictures.
Twas the first day of nineteen
And all through the house
Clutter prevailed
No room for a mouse!
Holidays over and clean up
Was needed
Mom was a wreck
For she was not heeded
She is the most positive person in the world, my son-in-law announced about me at an event. Thats an exaggeration, but only a slight exaggeration. (Joking!) Kidding aside, I am known to be optimistic.
Have you ever thought about the impact one little act of kindness can have on another human being? A loving gesture, a word of encouragement, a gentle touch or a warm smile, are just some acts of kindness that we may be apt to give or fortunate enough to receive.
Hi friends! As the fall season is coming to an end I have been able to go through some images and am pleased with the fact that I tried something different in my approach to taking photos.
Hello friends!! Today I am going to talk to you about the do-it-yourself topic. Im sure many of you will agree with me when I say that its a trend that has inspired many to become more creative and its here to stay.
Its sticky. Its fluffy. Its stretchable, colorful, ooey-gooey and its been one of the most popular craft activities for kids for more than two years. What can it be? Its slime.
Frank Cafaro, founder of Cafaro Insurance Agency
738 Smithtown Bypass, Suite 110, Smithtown, NY
Phone : 631-321-6165 / Toll Free: 888-335-4233
In the world of insurance, finding a name...