Can Loving a Pet Impact Your Health?


        Can Loving a Pet Impact Your Health?        

The ability to show and receive love plays a huge role in human development. Health issues can arise when love is complicated. If people let us down and we interpret that as feeling unloved or unwanted, it can manifest in a lot of different ways that impact our health.

So, how can we experience love in a way that may heal or at the very least allow us to cope with any hurt?  Pivot your life to let love in. This is where our beloved pets play a huge role in healing.

The bond between pets and their human families is so pure. I am a dog lover, but I do see this undeniable bond with cats and other animals as well. I grew up with the friendliest golden retriever and have been graced with my sweet chihuahua, Chloe, for the past 11 years. They are furry family members who add that cozy touch. As I am writing this, Chloe was just pitter pattering around and then cuddled up next to me in her pink blanket – my heart is full. Just the sound of her breathing plus her presence is so calming to me. It is inexplicable how much I love being around her!

How did this animal wiggle her way into my heart? Well, these animal-human relationships have a tremendous impact on boosting our mood and enhancing social support. Pets improve mental health issues by alleviating depression and decreasing anxiety. Just being in one’s life, they can lift the loneliness by giving its owner a sense of purpose. It feels good to take care of another being, and be taken care of in turn. Those with social anxiety feel more secure leaving home when their trusted furry pal is by their side.

Pets can create a sense of general well-being. The happiness one feels with their pet allows them to be in the moment,not dwelling about the past, nor worrying about the future. When the world can be cruel, time spent with a pet eases all of the woes as they encourage positive social interaction with nonjudgmental relationships.

In my practice, I created Pet Therapy which is simply an option to invite Chloe into a patient’s appointment. She has been a wonderful way to keep children distracted yet engaged during a doctor’s visit. Chloe helps to calm many of my patients by laying on their laps while they pet her. Oxytocin is the love hormone that gets released with physical touch. This can happen between a human and another animal. Our neurochemistry is positively affected with these emotional and physiological benefits.

On December 5th, Wellness Matters is hosting ‘Art Gallery’ night to support dogs in need of homes while showcasing local artists. Home for Run Hounds Animal Rescue is a non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing dogs from shelters and placing them into warm and loving homes. Also, for the entire month of November, Wellness Matters is giving back by donating a portion of visit costs to the dog rescue. We would love your support in any way.

Let a pet rescue you this holiday season!   



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Dr. Dawn Siglain is a compassionate Naturopathic Doctor, Licensed Acupuncturist, & Reiki Practitioner who believes in the body’s innate ability to heal itself when treated with nature and understanding. Combining both western and eastern modalities allows her to address patients’ needs in their own specific way. Finding the root cause of disease allows for true healing. Any questions please reach out: 631.680.6624 Follow me IG: @drdawnnd &