Body Language Exposed


Lauren Zitowsky is a Certified Teen Life Coach. In her practice at Teen Life Coach Inc., she arms your teens with the tools needed to overcome issues such as bullying, body image, divorce, school, relationships, heartache and peer pressure. Lauren can be reached at
I have a question for you.   
     When your child enters into a room full of people how do they behave?  Do they nervously run through it with slumped shoulders or do they exude confidence with every step they take?  Both approaches although seemingly different have one thing in common.  They both reveal your child's level of confidence without ever uttering a word. 
      Peter Drucker states it best.  He says, “The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said”      
     Many children are prone to being bullied due to the negative body language they display.    Let's step inside the mind of a bully as we uncover the rationale behind this,   Bullies truly single out their victims.  They search for those they feel they can easily take advantage of.  It is unfortunately obvious that these negative visions of self-worth make for an easy target. 
     Have you ever noticed how some people just look defeated? They walk with their head held down, make indirect eye contact, are easily intimidated, speak with no conviction and radiate negative energy.  
     Now, what is this negative energy I speak of?  Each and every day each one of us is radiating energy.  This energy is either positive or negative and attaches to everything we do. 
         Children who resonate with a higher level of positive energy feel much better physically and emotionally than those who don't. They display positive body language.  They walk with their heads held high and own every room they walk into.  They choose their battles wisely and take care of themselves instead of beating themselves up.  They are not ones to be taken advantage of.  They wouldn't stand for it and so they aren’t.     
    On the other hand children who resonate with a lower level of energy are consumed with negatively and stress.  These are typically children who are bullied.  They cower in the corner of a room and feel as if they simply don't belong.  Coincidently they display negative body langue as negative energy follows them around like a dark cloud.  When someone is consumed with darkness they aren't allowing the light to shine through.  Therefore it doesn't.   
     I began this article by asking you how your child walks into a room for a reason.
    How your child shows up in one aspect of their life is how they will show up in every aspect of it.   Please understand that.    If they are exhibiting negative body language how could the energy they radiate be anything but negative?  This isn’t possible.   This is unwanted yet self-inflicted sabotage and it must stop!  It can only stop if you start reading your child’s nonverbal cues.   By saying nothing they are saying everything.  Don’t forget that.