Best Tips For Trips


Claudia Fenner is a writer,  photographer and travel enthusiast from Dix Hills. She loves to plan her family’s vacations as well as help her relatives and friends with theirs. Have any travel questions you would like answered? Email her at  Happy Travels!

Everyone has their own little secrets or special way of doing things better, cheaper, wiser and faster when on vacation. Many thanks to the readers that sent in some awesome ideas… makes me realize I have a lot to learn!

Vin T says he packs a large binder clip to fully close the curtains in his hotel room. They are just the thing to block out that stream of bright light that always seems to hit you right smack in the eyes in the morning.

Frequent world traveler Rabbi B offered up some of his best.

Be Prepared: Always leave a copy of your passport and credit cards (copied front and back) with a family member or friends NOT traveling with you. If anything happens, you have back-up copies safely held by a trusted person – which makes obtaining a replacement much easier. Carry a copy of your passport ID page in your wallet while traveling abroad.  

Be in the Center: If you are traveling to a major city, stay in the central area where the tourist attractions and restaurants are – so that your travel adventure begins only a few steps from your room. Many package trips are less expensive precisely because you are located off the beaten path and in outlying locations. If you seek to be away from the city center scenes, then out of the way hotels, B & B's are for you.

Be Connected: Have fun sending out a photo at the end of your travel day to family and friends to let them share in the joy and precious blessings of your amazing trip.

Janice R said that she freezes a water bottles when she travels with her family. Liquids that are frozen solid are allowed to go thru TSA checkpoints.  She likes to pack sandwiches, and the frozen waters bottles do double duty, first as icepacks, and then later as beverages.

Susan Z always takes cell phone pictures of the barcode from her checked luggage tags in case her bags go missing. These are the stubs that are usually stuck to your boarding pass that are super easy to leave in the seat pocket in front of you. No worries… you have it right on your phone.

Just back from Las Vegas, Bruce R reports that he loved The Pinball Hall of Fame Museum. Located at 1610 E Tropicana Ave, it features over 200 different pinball games from all eras, including some classic video arcade games and other novelty machines of the past and present. Fun!

My favorite tip still, is in the weeks before your trip, collect lots of singles and fives. Tips are easy when you have small bills at your fingertips.

“People don’t take trips… trips take people.” – John Steinbeck