beCAUSE Lifestyle Boutique


Marc Piperno
President, ET Week
   Owner Stacey Wohl, mom of two children with Autism was originally inspired to start a non-profit organization and a business that serves the public incredible roasted coffees and great food, while also giving those with disabilities the opportunity to become productive people in society. 
    Though Stacey ended up closing Cause Café in Northport, she has since re-emerged with her be(CAUSE) Lifestyle Boutique. Yes, she still will be glad to serve up some fresh ground brew, but has taken her quest for caring to a whole new level. Located at 396 Larkfield road, East Northport be(CAUSE) has been modeled by purchasing merchandise for her boutique from woman owned businesses that support a good cause of their own. 
     For example, be(CAUSE) carries a line of women’s wear made in India by Sudara. For every item purchased, you are helping to create an environment where women, who are at high risk or who are currently subjected to human trafficking, can be taken off the streets and given living wage jobs to become productive citizens of society. The boutique is filled with many, one of a kind buys that you just can’t get anywhere else. Beautiful women’s fashion, cool giftware, brick-a-brack and lots of other items that make for a nice gift. Perfume, scented soaps, mugs, travel bags, picture frames and so much more, makes coming to Stacey’s new cause, a trip worth taking. The bonus of course is that with every purchase you make, you are helping to support a good cause.
     What a wonderful idea, I thought. So, I asked Stacey, how she came up with the concept. As Stacey explains, “I wanted to build a unique retail store, that not only brings something quite different to our community, but also supports and empowers women owned businesses that are behind worthy causes of their own. That aside, my roots are from the garment center, where I was previously a fit model, designer and showroom sales professional. Once I had my children and was faced with the challenges of my daughter developing autism at 2 years old, I needed to put my career on hold.”
     Now, many years later, her daughter Britney, who has just completed school, is looking to get real life experience in the work place. She loves fashion and make up, so it seems like this new venture of Stacey’s will be a great place for Britney to get started and grow with.” We invite you to come in and browse this unique boutique for creative one of a kind finds.