

Creating Relationships With Children With Autism

You know the feeling when someone understands you fully without judgements, that someone we form a relationship with because they understand us.

Use MANual Mode to Learn Photography Quickly, Part 1

Few things scare new, or even experienced, photographers more than taking the camera off auto mode and switching to manual.

Fall Fun Finds on Long Island

The region is packed with things to do and see during the fall months.

Help Your Kids Drink (Water) To Their Health

Yet only one in four U.S. children are getting the amount they need.

These are a Few of My Favorite (Travel) Things…

Keeping in touch with family and friends back home is now incredibly easy and inexpensive with the advent of cell phones and apps.

It’s Corn Season!

With fall slowly coming into view, it’s time for me to think “corny”.

Dishin with Denise… Snapping Through September

September’s the time for snapper fishing.

Long Island Aquarium

They also offer a unique tour of their amazing rehab facility.

Elliptical Machine… Extra Benefits

The greatest benefit of the Elliptical machine is the smooth elliptical motion movement with a low impact for your lower extremity joints.

Wallpaper Today

Wallpaper is back with a vengeance and it makes a big change in a room.

The Incredible, Medical, Edible Lemon

Lemons provide many nutritional, medicinal and preventive benefits.

Don’t Pack It All Away

Don’t be in such a hurry to pack away all your summer pieces.
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