Well, its February while weve gone through some tough months of winter, we can see spring in our future. However our skin has taken a beating from the cold weather and lack of sun. Every time I pick up a beauty magazine theres a spread of expensive gorgeous skin care that is impossible to find and have no idea how to use.
The Grilled Cheese Sandwich. So remarkable in its ooey, gooey glory that it deserves more than a spot on the childrens menu. Originally popular in the 1920s and 1930s, the grilled cheese was more of an inexpensive, easy-to-prepare meal option rather than savory, comfort food.
Limón is Spanish for yellow, juicy, citrus lemon! Its snappy flavor makes it the perfect summertime ingredient for desserts. There is nothing as fresh, clean and pure as a lemon cake made from scratch!
The beauty about preparing food from other countries is that we can somewhat immerse ourselves into this particular part of the world without buying a plane ticket. Today I will share with you a few recipes I tried out and enjoyed preparing. Looking back, I appreciate exploring the different varieties of seasoning and ingredients used to compose a dish and of course photographing them.
What Techie isnt excited about new gadgets anywhere, especially in the home and some are actually useful and should be considered when planning to upgrade or renovate.
The incomparable Joan Rivers was famous for uttering this line in her comedy routines. She wanted to shed light on topics that didnt always get discussed, and share her personal views on the very same. In todays world, it would seem very little goes unsaid in the social media epidemic we find ourselves in.
Some travelers view the prospect of being bumped off of an overbooked flight as their worst vacation nightmare. For our family, its an opportunity that we are thrilled to take advantage of. To us, an overbooked flight translates into the airline giving out free travel money to anyone that is savvy enough to be flexible about their travel plans.
This time of year can be difficult for many who find themselves socially isolated. Social isolation presents itself in many different forms. Many feel isolated due to the fact they have social anxieties; others in the midst of many, feel lonely, isolated, and not included.
Being the only girl in a houseful of boys, I try to fit anything pink into my life as much as I can. When Valentines Day rolls around, its definitely my excuse to decorate the house and bake all things pink! These Valentines Choco-Coco Hug Cookies are no exception.
Valentine's Day is practically here! Another reason to celebrate, eat and share your love. As I consider Valentine's Day, I decided what recipe to share with you in my next culinary article. I dream that the days and evenings are long, light and warm.
Im a romantic. I enjoy a good romantic comedy, and youll often find me cooking dinner to the dreamy melody of La Vie En Rose, or just about any French jazz-inspired playlist. I love Valentines Day. Even when I was single, there was always something wistful about this holiday though seldomly admitted due to the fear of seeming cliché.
Irish Beef and Beer Pot Pie
Servings: 4-6
While some St. Patrick’s Day celebrations call for green beer and large gatherings, you may instead opt for...
47 East Main Street, Smithtown
(631) 360-3383
Nestled on Main Street in the heart of Smithtown, Chop Shop is a concealed gem that, at times,...