A Valentine’s Day Gift: Love Is In The Answer


Dr. Gold, Ph.D, LMHC, is a Licensed and Board Certified Clinical Mental Health counselor, with a Ph.D in psychology, clinical practice.  She’s in private practice at her home office in FortSalonga, specializing in relationships. A sub specialty is in integrating holistic methods with traditional ones. She is founding president of Happi Act for autism www.happiact.org a non-profit organization. She can be reached at 

    Ah, VALENTINE’S DAY! The day associated with hearts, flowers, greeting cards with sentiment, sexy movies, and marriage proposals. Everything romantic. 
    I’d like to go a bit deeper and talk about LOVE applied to all our relationships; with our lover, spouse, children, parents, friends, co-workers, bosses, employees and community. 
    When we stop to look at our lives and our world today, the serious challenges both personally and globally. We can see that the number one problem we’re facing has to do with our relationships. Our relationships with ourselves, with each other, with our community and with our world, have never been more important.
    What is the illness that is causing so much suffering for couples, families, our world? It is a spiritual state of mind whereby one person,   or small vast group of individuals, feel(s) a lack of capacity to give and receive love, an inner emptiness, thus an attempt to fill that void through greed and destruction.
    What can we do about this? We can work on healing our relationships with ourself and others. When we harbor unhealed relationships, we take our feelings about them out into our world.
    Most of us experience tension in some relationships which we know could be better. Fortunately it does start with ourselves.  Rather than making idols of things…power, gambling, drugs, alcohol, money and an endless list of objects in our outer world…we need to heal our relationships. All kinds.
    What is the purpose of our relationships? It’s to experience a joining together and a remembrance that despite our outer seeming differences, we are all more alike than we are different.  What is the one need we all have in common? The need for love, the giving and receiving of love. Love is the only true reality there is.  Love sees relationships as possibilities for growth and learning.
    Suppose we each make a Valentine’s Day Resolution. To heal our relationships. How to do this is a subject beyond the  scope of this article.
    We can do this one thing:  Now that the greeting  card companies are” going to town,” issuing Valentine’s Day cards not only for romantic partners, but also for every possible being in your life including your dog, cat or pet hamster, how about giving the card companies love.  Buy a few cards for one or several people you’ve been experiencing tension with and send each a card with a personal message of love. You’ll feel great and so will they. A win-win situation!
    Love IS the answer. Happy Valentine’s Day!