A Place For Everything And Everything In Its Place!


Natalie Weinstein is President of 
Natalie Weinstein Design Associates, 
The Natalie Weinstein Home Decorating Club and Uniquely Natalie, a quality 
consignment boutique. Enjoy Natalie’s
Long Island Focus featured in House
Magazine or call: 631.862.6198

1.    Place dirty dishes in dishwasher after every meal and snack.
2.    Organize pantry by product category for easy access and check expiration dates.
3.    Clean out refrigerator & freezer routinely and discard in-edibles.
4.    Find a cabinet location that is easily accessible for often used appliance’s, organize pots, dishes.
5.    Glassware, etc. similarily & discard what’s worn, chipped or unused.
6.    Keep counters clear.
7.    Under the sink, organize with storage containers.

Dining Room
1.    Set the table to avoid clutter.
2.    Display dishes and collectibles artfully and selectively in breakfront.
3.    Don’t use the table and servers as a drop off for laptops, mail, etc.
4.    If there is a server or tea cart, make sure it is uncluttered and decorate with a serving piece that can be utilized when dining.

1.    Store clothing & shoes out of sight.
2.    Leave room for guests.
3.    Designate a space for keys, mail, etc. but not out in the open. (Drawer, decorative box, etc.)
4.    Keep stairways clear of clutter.

Family Room
1.    Organize and store DVD’s and tapes out of sight.
2.    Designate storage for books, games, toys, albums, etc.
3.    De-clutter shelves and decorate display with appropriate number of collectibles, photos, etc.
4.    Remove some things for display as you replace with others, especially for holidays.
5.    Create a storage area for personal pillows and throws when not in use.
6.    Use magazine racks for reading material & then discard outdated materials regularly.

Home Office
1.    Set up a file system that works for you in an appropriate storage place and purge frequently.
2.    Keep “in” and “out” bins for bills etc. until filed.
3.    Open all mail by garbage and recycling areas. Bring only pertinent material into home office.
4.    Throw out last catalogue when new one arrives.
5.    Use these same concept for your computer!

1.    Make the bed every day.
2.    Hang up clothes daily in closets that are maximized by double poles, skinny hangers, etc., and purge seasonally.
3.    Turn extra bedroom into a walk-in closet or an exercise room, keeping equipment clutter free so you can use it, or create a walk-in closet.
4.    Keep tops of end tables cleared of everything but essentials.
5.    Use a storage bin for laundry, not on the floor.

1.    Clear off counter of daily personal items and return to assigned place in your cabinet.
2.    Don’t buy more than one spare of anything or designate and use a closet in garage or laundry room for large quantity purchases.
3.    Make sure all pharmaceuticals have not expired.
4.    Add hooks, storage units, medicine chests, keeping the floor free of towels & clothing.

1.    Sort shovels, tools, garden supplies, ports equipment, etc. and store them in groups.
2.    Utilize walls with slat board or hanging units for additional storage, easy access and viewing.
3.    Add a ceiling bike rack and other storage devices that can clear the floor.
4.    Leave space for cars!