A Message To Kids From “The Fonz”


Victoria is an accomplished 12 year old Animal Educator and Journalist
recognized by Dowling College for her excellence in the field of Arts and
Sciences. Victoria also teaches in schools and libraries where she shares first hand her knowledge and experiences in a series of educational programs that she developed. VictoriasAmazingWorld@yahoo.com

    Henry Winkler, who is best known for his iconic role as The Fonz on Happy Days, is an accomplished actor, director and producer. He is also the bestselling co-author, with Lin Oliver, of the popular children's book series Hank Zipzer – an accomplishment he never thought was possible and one that he is most proud of.
    As a kid, Winkler got a lot of bad grades in school and he couldn’t understand why. In fact, he was such a bad student that he wasn't allowed to graduate with his class. He ultimately received his diploma in the mail after having to retake the same geometry class eight times in a row. As a high school senior, he applied to 28 different colleges and was only accepted to two of them. At the age of 31, Winkler was finally diagnosed with dyslexia. 
    One day a mutual friend suggested to him that he should write a book about learning challenges for kids. Winkler said no, reasoning that since he has dyslexia he couldn't write a book. However, about a year later his friend asked again, and introduced him to children's author Lin Oliver. This time around, Winkler said yes. The first series that they wrote together was Hank Zipzer about the hilarious adventures of a boy in the fourth grade who has dyslexia. Later, they introduced their second series Here's Hank – about a younger, second grade Hank Zipzer. Their latest book in the series is titled. Here's Hank: You Can’t Drink a Meatball Through a Straw. The main character Hank has a hard time with memorization and spelling is his worst subject. Although he doesn’t try, Hank always manages to make the other kids laugh. The Here’s Hank series tells wonderful stories for all children to enjoy and features a very special easy-to-read font designed especially for dyslexic readers.
    In my recent interview at the Book Revue in Huntington with Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver he shared a very special message for kids with dyslexia. “You all have greatness inside you. Your job is to figure out what that greatness is, dig it out, and give it to the world as a gift – because we all want to see who you become – and that is the truth.”
    Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver are both amazing people who have done so much to help make our world a better place. For me, The Fonz will always be the coolest. 
    To see my full interview go to www.VictoriasAmazingWorld.com

Victoria’s Fun Facts and Tips

   ~ For the first time in America, the special font (that was designed by a father in Holland to make it easier for a person with dyslexia to read) is being used in the "Here's Hank" books. 
   ~ The leather jacket worn by The Fonz in Happy Days hangs in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, DC.       
   ~ In season five of Happy Days, The Fonz goes to the library and gets a library card. After that episode aired, the national rate of new library cards went up 500% 
   ~ Lin Oliver loves tuna melts, curious kids and any sport that involves a racket.
   ~ Henry Winkler has visited classrooms around the world to speak about his book series, which was inspired by his own learning challenges with dyslexia.