A Holiday State Of Mind


Natalie Weinstein is President of Natalie Weinstein Design Associates, The Natalie Weinstein Home Decorating Club and Uniquely
Natalie, a quality consignment
boutique. Enjoy Natalie’s Long
Island Focus featured in House Magazine or call: 631-862-6198.

T’was the start of December and all was in place
The table was set, everyone had his space
The kitchen was buzzing and all at the ready
Holiday foods and the kid’s favorite spaghetti!
Mom and Dad smile as they share kitchen duty
Great salads and pies, and the meals quite 
   a beauty
The beds are all made, the bathrooms just shine 
For sleepover company coming to dine
Everything’s perfect and we’re humming along
We’re all ready, we’re happy, we burst into song!


T’was the start of December and oh, worry’s me
The table’s not set for the whole family
I’ve yet to go shopping for last minute stuff
Doing all this alone is always so tough
The house needs a cleanup, the kids all sleeping
Do you think anyone cares if they all hear me
Next year will be different, I’m making a vow
I’ll organize my life and my home starting 
   right now
It’s still not too late to make this holiday a winner
I’ll call Villa Sorrento and meet there for dinner!
So in which state of mind are you this holiday season?  Chances are you’re somewhere in between, but the beat goes on and this is just the beginning of the biggest season for entertaining.  Is it too late to get it together for Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year’s?  Have we learned anything from our holiday state of mind?  One thing’s for sure – none of us want or need the stress that goes along with being unprepared and out of time. Where’s the fun and joy of being together with family, sitting down to a good meal, conversation, and truly enjoying the holiday? That is what it’s all about, isn’t it? So, enjoy your holiday traditions by making a plan, start your lists and get going.  Then you can look back on your early preparations and realize how much they have helped you to truly enjoy the season.
Happy Holidays!