Dishin with Denise… Bella Bolognese


Denise Gianatasio is a Northport Village resident and freelance writer. She is a licensed agent at Signature Premier Properties, 172 Main Street, Northport 631-754-3600. Denise enjoys cooking and sharing her recipes and family stories, as she wants to inspire a warm sense of home with her readers. Please feel free to contact her for any advice you may need at

    It must be Sunday, circa 1960. Upon waking I can hear activity and lots of movement going on early in the kitchen, on Sunday mornings. Clanging pots and pans, the sounds of meat sizzling, the can opener ~ opening cans, the blender mixing tomatoes, and the sounds of the Victrola softly playing music from Jerry Vale, Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra. Loudly my Dad whistled while he worked. He was my Mom’s “prep and clean up Man”… or sous chef, I suppose. It was a sweet, fragrant way to begin the day. Ahh… It’s been more than a decade since all that sweet noise. My mother and father surely were determined to create an outstanding meal for their family, especially on Sunday. Dinner time was traditionally set for 2:00 p.m. ~ All must be at home, washed up, ready to sit down, share time together, and of course enjoy the delicious feast.
    My parents Sunday specialty was typically a Bolognese sauce. A meat and vegetable packed tomato sauce served with pasta, (any variety will do, rigatoni, papadalle, penne, ziti, or my favorite just straight!) Serve with a salad or antipasto and of course fresh crusty Italian bread and a sip of red wine. Looking back, only the early time of day was inconvenient ~ We’d just about get through breakfast and reading the Sunday newspaper and it soon was time to show back up for the next meal! No time for much else. This was fundamentally my parents Italian culture and Sunday’s Golden Rule.  Today Sunday’s are not quite the same, we have  the opportunity to go shopping at stores and malls. Some  even go to work, We can actually shop for a home at Open houses or buy a new car. Today’s lifestyle may include scheduled sports practice, games and activities, or playdates. Dinner at 2:00 is not an option anymore….  Do try to create that special time on Sunday with your family ~ even if life is more harried and the table is not set until 6:00 P.M. The magical gift for all is… “Timeless”! Talk, talk, share, laugh and mangia!  Turn Sundays into your own “La Bella Domenica!”  A beautiful Sunday! 
~ Ciao, xoxo, “Dishin with Denise”

Serves 6
2 garlic cloves, diced
½ cup of fresh basil, parsley, oregano chopped
½ t red pepper flakes or to taste
3 (diced very small) carrots
3  celery stalks
½ cup olive oil
1 large Vidalia onion chopped
1 lb. of fresh sliced mushrooms
3  large cans whole tomatoes ( San Marzano)
1 ½ lbs. of fresh ground chop meat
1 lb. of sweet (decased) Italian sausage
½ lb. of hot (decased) Italian sausage
2 lbs. of pork neck bones
½ small can of beef broth

 In pan use ½ cup olive oil to sauté onion, carrots, celery, use a handful of chopped fresh chives,fresh basil,parsley and oregano. ½ t of red pepper flakes, fresh ground pepper and salt. Sautee till vegetables are very soft. Add mushrooms and garlic for a few minutes. Add 3 cans hand squeezed San Marzano tomatoes or blend in blender, add beef broth ~ Cook for approx. 25 minutes on rapid simmer. Add 1 cup red wine. And beef broth. Cook for 5 more minutes. In a large pan brown meats until cooked. Remove excess fat and shave meat off bones. Add to tomato sauce, toss with boiled and drained pasta. A sprinkle of extra fresh basil, black pepper and grated cheese.  Serve in a red state ~ a merlot that is! Named for the black bird, Merle, it’s full bodied dark fruit flavors, cherries, blackberries, and fine tannins are excellent when paired with this dish. Moving well into Fall, the harvest is ripe and the merlot locally is running…full cup ahead!