Dishin with Denise… Cookin’ Up A Halloween Spook-tacular!


Denise Gianatasio is a Northport Village resident and freelance writer. 
She is a licensed agent at Signature Premier Properties, 172 Main Street, Northport 631-754-3600. Denise enjoys cooking and sharing her recipes and family stories, as she wants to inspire a warm sense of home with her readers. Please feel free to contact her for any advice you may need at

    On the eve of Halloween before the clock strikes midnight, use some creative haunting magic and stir up some fun with the kids this Halloween.  
    In the kitchen lit only by the glow of the full moon and all its alluring mystery…make your home a Halloween haven, spooky, exciting and loads of fun.
    Cast no spells~ just provide imagination, treats, and fill this Halloween with wonder, whimsy and spookiness. Ghostie’s, easy to make on a pretzel stick using jumbo marshmallows as bodies and mini chocolate chips for eyes.
    For a healthier treat create lil’ jack o’s made from bright, fresh orange’s Using frosting or confections sugar mixed with water to create a paste, have your kid’s create and decorate their own pumpkin faces. Use candy corn, black jellybeans and other seasonal candies. I used bamboo toothpicks for the stem of the pumpkin with a basil leave. Use color safe markers or paint to design the faces of lil’ jack. (make the sugar paste or colored cake frosting as glue) Pop the ghostie’s in a 250 degree oven on a pan sprayed with Pam and slightly bake for 6 minutes or so ~ until marshmallows puff a bit. Prepare to set the scene for a hallows eve with mystery and playful preparation ~ perhaps some poems read aloud by: Edgar Allan Poe. The kids will enjoy this scary work of art and the time you spend… so lets raise the spirits in your home!
     All these haunting ways help to strike a smile, create a lasting memory,… so be ready to get out there and enjoy the day one ghoulish creature at a time. Ok, Good night, sleep well~ no scary dreams! Rest up and be bright and ready to have a full day ahead of freight and fun! Happy Halloween, Be Safe!~May your bags be full! …as long as you shout out  “Trick or Treat!”  Dishin’ With Denise xoxo…..    

PS. Save room for dinner…I’m making meatballs, and using triangular and zig~ zag cooked carrots to create… jack o’ balls! … “BOO!”