More than Just Weight Loss: Surprising Benefits to Bariatric Surgery


Dr. Hesham Atwa, board certified in general surgery with a mini fellowship in bariatric Surgery, is founder of Long Island Laparoscopic Doctors and Chief of Surgery at St Charles and Mather Hospitals. He specializes in minimally invasive robotic assisted weight loss surgeries and non -surgical Orbera™ gastric Balloons.

More than Just Weight Loss:  Surprising Benefits to Bariatric Surgery

How weight loss surgery can improve your lifestyle. 
    Regrettably one-third of American adults today are categorized as obese, that means a person weighs at least 20 percent higher than recommended. If you are one of the 45 million Americans who plan to go on a diet this year, you will likely lose some weight in the short term, but there is only a 5% chance you will keep it off long term. 
    If you are obese, you are at a higher risk of many medical conditions including heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, certain types of cancer and as we now know coronavirus! Reaching a healthy body weight can mean a longer life span, improved mobility, and better self-esteem, all benefits that most people are actively seeking out when researching treatment.
    “We in the United States have not always identified obesity as a disease. Some people think it is a lifestyle choice, but it is not,” said Dr. Atwa. It makes people sick and causes more deaths in the United States than the coronavirus by a large margin. Obesity is the leading cause of death in the United States, responsible for more than 300,000 deaths a year and kills more people worldwide than car crashes, terrorist attacks and Alzheimer’s combined.  Here are some surprising benefits you may not have realized.
    Reduced Asthma and Acid Reflux Symptons –  In obese people with asthma, weight-loss has been linked to a significant reduction in serious asthma flare-ups Obesity increases systemic inflammation and the likelihood of respiratory stress which can not only exacerbate asthma symptoms and is one of the attributes that COVID-19 is attracted to.  In addition, Acid Reflux disease (Gerd) a condition prevalent in about 61% of obese individuals can be significantly reduced if not eliminated by bariatric surgery or allied procedures done in conjunction with a bariatric procedure.
    Healthier More Vibrant Skin – Obesity can cause stretch marks, varicose veins, skin tags, darkened skin patches and skin infections in obese people. Poor blood circulation and excess sweating is also common and can dry out the skin and impede collagen production. Shedding the excess weight can dramatically improve the skin’s appearance, helping you look more vital and youthful.
    Better Mood – Depression and weight gain go together, with obese people being 20 percent more likely to feel depressed. Depression leads to a lack of activity and potential binge eating affects self-esteem. By losing weight, you help to restore the natural balance of the body, which has a hormonal ripple effect that can drastically improve mood.
    Better Memory – Studies have linked obesity and high blood pressure with loss of memory and cognitive skills in people aged 50 and over. Researchers found that obese people lost their mental powers faster than thinner people. Obese people who undergo bariatric surgery show improved memory in as little as 12 weeks after the fact. 
    More Energy, Better Productivity – More than 18 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can increase your risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and more.  The most outwardly benefit to one lifestyle from better sleep is great energy and the ability to be more productive at work and in your personal life.
    If you are struggling with obesity, Long Island Laparoscopic Doctors offers a variety of both surgical and non-surgical options. We can help determine if your health insurance will cover the cost and walk you through the various options, answer your questions free in a 10-minute call, or   you can schedule an appointment to speak with us in person. Call 631-201-8445 or visit online: JourneyToTheNewYou.