A Joyfully Magical New Year


Dr. Gold, Ph.D, LMHC, is a Licensed and Board Certified Clinical Mental Health counselor, with a Ph.D in psychology, clinical practice.  She’s in private practice at her home office in Fort Salonga, specializing in relationships. A sub
specialty is in integrating holistic methods with traditional ones. She is founding president of Happi Act for autism www.happiact.org a
non-profit organization. She can be reached at drgold6@optimum.net

2018 already? Seems like only yesterday the holiday season was upon us, the air filled with the smell of hot chocolate and holiday cookies baking. Sparkling lights glistening on trees. People jovial as they ran around shopping for those special gifts and groceries to cook for those festive gatherings. People high with the joy of the season.  

When I’m “out there” now, I unfortunately experiencewhat I do every January.  A lack of smiles on faces, rather people looking exhausted and depressed, like they were on a drug high and now in withdrawal. 

 I find this sad, because joy that can vanish with a season is not real joy in my experience.

With the end of all the frenzy of gift giving, money spending, tipping everyone in sight and partying, what can we do now to access the genuine inner joy, the kind that doesn’t ebb/flow with events and seasons?

Some Suggestions:


Deep Breathe: A few minutes of deep breathing works wonders. Try 6 slow deep breaths in through the nose, hold for the count of 3, exhale through the nose to the count of 6.

Meditate: Meditation relaxes us but it’s a much more far reaching tool than that. It connects us with the inner joy which is always there but not felt consistently because the busy mind interferes. Take a class (with me or somebody else) or read a book on how to.

Proclaim Appreciation:  Start each morning upon awakening or each night before falling asleep by proclaiming “I give thanks because I’m so fortunate.”  Then mention why you are, “I can go to work” etc.  We ARE fortunate, we have homes to live in, be they humble or palatial. Those of us who work at jobs/careers-nobody smiles every minute at their employment, but isn’t being able to work a privilege? To actively parent our children, regardless of how frustrating they might be at times. (There are those who would love to be able to do those things.  If we have doubts, we need only visit any hospital ward.)

Make Friends With Time: Willy Wonka, who got things mixed up, said “I have too little to do and too much time,” instead of the reverse. I love it! When in a time crunch, which is often, I tell myself, “I have time to do everything today that I need to do.”  After saying that, in some magical way, I do.  Please try that and all the above.  They’re magic!

Yours for a most JOYFULLY Magical New Year!