It’s Mid Life… So What?


John has a master’s degree in exercise 
science/human performance and doctoral studies in applied physiology.  He’s formerly certified by the American College of Sports Medicine as a Rehabilitative Program Director and Health Fitness Director.  He’s authored a college level text for fitness, wellness and conditioning classes.  He’s a former baseball coach and all conference collegiate player.  He can be reached

Hey Guys. You wake up one day and realize your forty plus and start thinking about things. Different thoughts, concerns seem to rush into your brain. Maybe you’ve even broke into a sweat trying to figure some things out. So what does it all mean? Taking some time for yourself and perhaps spending some more time with your family will help. It seems that those who take time to identify their goals and what they need to do health wise to meet those goals, end up having the best quality of life. So relax and take the first step – your health. 

The best time to take care of you is before anything goes wrong. Learning how to make healthy lifestyle changes is critical at this time.  Therefore step one is to set goals that you can keep. Experts use the acronym SMART to describe goals that are more likely to succeed. They are S- specific; M- measureable; A-achievable; R-realistic and have specific T-time commitment.

What are some of the best things you can do to set goals for and keep your body and mind strong and improve the quality of your life? Number one is probably exercise. The benefits: a longer life, a healthier heart, stronger bones, a dose of cancer protection, better weight management and sounder sleep. The U.S. Department of Health and Human services recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity five days per week and at least two sessions of strength training per week. Next is a healthy diet. There is a plethora of information available on how you can eat your way to a long, healthy life without extreme dieting and spending your life savings. Most of the times it’s not about difficulty as it is about discipline. 

As you age your body metabolism naturally slows down and you start to lose muscle mass. It’s too easy to fall victim to slow but steady weight gain. Realize your waistline is a measure of your health. Belly fat is worrisome because it has to do with the nature of the fat. Subcutaneous fat lies near the surface between abdominal skin and the wall of the muscle. Visceral fat lies beneath those muscles, surrounding vital organs. This fat is far more dangerous for your health.

So what do you think about midlife? It’s time to take care of #1. The best start is your health. Check with your doctor first and get started exercising and eating healthier. SO THAT’S WHAT.